Advice on Peptide Cycle


New member
I'm looking to get into Peptides and have read several mixed reviews on what should or shouldn't be stacked for mass or cutting. Seems that the majority of the peptides are geared towards fat loss. Also unsure of how long I can stay on peptides. Can you stay on it or is it recommended to cycle on off like gear? Or does this just depend on what peptide you take?

Here is my situation - I am currently off cycle on my gear and will be getting back on cycle later in the year. I will be competing in 2 shows in July and Aug - which puts me 28 weeks out from July (first show). I have never considered peptides until recently and I would like to try a peptide or combination of peptides geared more towards mass gains (if possible) then another on the back end more towards cutting. My diet is 100% spot on daily with my goals based on where I am at in my contest prep. Last year my starting weight was 200-205 and I shredded down and walked on stage at 167 (middle weight). Ultimately I would like to compete at light heavy so figured I would add some peptides and see how these work since I am still a decent ways out.

Was thinking MOD GRF, GHRP 6, and IGF1 LR3?

Thanks for any advice in advance gents!

Run the mod-grf and ghrp-6 100mcgs, 3x a day. You can run these forever if you like. no need to come off. IGF1 LR3 needs to be cycled, but not sure 100% on how this cycle looks, User should be able to help you out on this.
Thanks Omega! I appreciate it - I plan to get all this ordered and taken care of today. I already have my gear here at the house just wanted to get this order placed. I'll wait and see what User has to say

... also, what is the difference between with or without DAC?
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DAC is the drug affinity complex....makes the half life 6-11 days instead of 20-35min.

Recently everyone is viewing the DAC as a bad causes GH Bleed. basically how a womans body releases do it too but much smaller amounts. Men have pulses of GH. when using the DAC version you Bleed GH all day, all night. without DAC or mod GRF, cjc 1293, semorlein, etc etc all have a short halflife. they create a lot of GH and then the GHRP (ipam, GHRP2, etc) causes the big release or pulse of GH.
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Thanks Gymrat! I appreciate the response. I should have my supps in a few days and really looking forward to trying peptides out. Once again thanks!
Hey man. I wouldn't really look at these as bulking or cutting. I think you should use a combination.

Mod grf 1-29 and any ghrp. 6 will produce an increased appetite in most people. Ghrp2 is similar without the appetite. Ipam is similar without the risk of any sides. Hex is the strongest but will increase prolactin and cortisol.

This all comes down to how much money you want to spend. Here's what I like:

Mod Grf 150 mcg 3 x a day
Ghrp 2 or Ipam (which ever is cheaper) 300-500mcg 2 x a day
Hex 400mcg pwo with mod grf

So basically morning and night is mod/ghrp2 or ipam
Pwo mod grf/hex

This covers gh. You will get huge pulses of gh that last about 2 hours, with peak at about an hour. This gives you the benefits of gh, so it's fine without gear for a while then will be much better with test/AAS added.

If that gets to expensive then 100mcg each 3 x a day

I would add an igf. I would say igf DES 100mcg 1-2 hours after your pwo gh pep dose.

This will give you an added boost of igf, and the gh peps will elevate igf as well.

Last I would try ostarine at 25-30mg a day. This will add a couple pounds of lean mass without sides or bloating. I just ran this and will be starting again tonight. This is an oral liquid. At the very least it can help maintain gains you made on cycle, and I've heard it's good in a caloric deficit for maintaining muscle.
Hey man. I wouldn't really look at these as bulking or cutting. I think you should use a combination.

Mod grf 1-29 and any ghrp. 6 will produce an increased appetite in most people. Ghrp2 is similar without the appetite. Ipam is similar without the risk of any sides. Hex is the strongest but will increase prolactin and cortisol.

This all comes down to how much money you want to spend. Here's what I like:

Mod Grf 150 mcg 3 x a day
Ghrp 2 or Ipam (which ever is cheaper) 300-500mcg 2 x a day
Hex 400mcg pwo with mod grf

So basically morning and night is mod/ghrp2 or ipam
Pwo mod grf/hex

This covers gh. You will get huge pulses of gh that last about 2 hours, with peak at about an hour. This gives you the benefits of gh, so it's fine without gear for a while then will be much better with test/AAS added.

If that gets to expensive then 100mcg each 3 x a day

I would add an igf. I would say igf DES 100mcg 1-2 hours after your pwo gh pep dose.

This will give you an added boost of igf, and the gh peps will elevate igf as well.

Last I would try ostarine at 25-30mg a day. This will add a couple pounds of lean mass without sides or bloating. I just ran this and will be starting again tonight. This is an oral liquid. At the very least it can help maintain gains you made on cycle, and I've heard it's good in a caloric deficit for maintaining muscle.
I work out between 7pm and 9pm most days, drink my pwo shake, take a shower, eat supper and try to hit the hay by 10 or so. How would you time your pwo and bed time dose and which pep would you use?
neugene, start another thread or pm user. Don't hijack this one.
Sorry. Thought Caution probably had most of the info he needed. Just thought my question would add to the thread. I know I get tired of clicking on a million threads trying to learn. Will follow protocol from now on sir.
OP, just do a GHRP/GHRH for now....once you get your feet wet come back from some IGF1 and frag.

cjc 1295 non DAC (mod GRF) or whatever the place you shop at calls it
Ipam or GHRP 2

Both 100mcg 3x ED. you can bump the GHRP or ipam up to 200mcg after a few wks of use

even if your bulking id stay away from GHRP 6 cuz the prolactin and cortisol.