Advise on using EQ with Test Cyp and Tren E


New member
I'm planning on starting another run here at the end of sept. Last one was Test Cyp and Tren. Test was 300 the whole way and Tren started at 200 and only went as far as 500mg. It was my first experience with Tren and it was spectacular so I'm going again. I went for 16 weeks total. No sides other than a little bit of night sweats and crappy sleep at 500mg Tren. This time I plan to run about the same length of time and maybe bump the Tren up a little more. I'd like to add EQ if it can be recommended, or if anyone has better suggestions I'm willing to listen. Any advise will be noted and appreciated.
I'm 39y/o been training steady again for the past 6 years. 5'7 and approximately 215lbs. Body fat less than 10% and have no real desire for it to go lower. Goals? Gaining a bit more mass. I'd like to see 20 pounds but know it's unlikely.
Eq in my opinion is a compound many can do without. It's not a strong compound and needs to be ran for extended periods of time to see results. Which can cause other issues like mentioned. It's raises red blood cell count which thickens blood. No good. Have to donate as much as possible. I think if you were to add a compound to what you have going, look into mast @600mgs atleast per week. If your stats are correct, you would be happier with the outcome...
Eq in my opinion is a compound many can do without. It's not a strong compound and needs to be ran for extended periods of time to see results. Which can cause other issues like mentioned. It's raises red blood cell count which thickens blood. No good. Have to donate as much as possible. I think if you were to add a compound to what you have going, look into mast @600mgs atleast per week. If your stats are correct, you would be happier with the outcome...

agreed. just finished running EQ at 1.2g for 20 weeks. Deca for 14 weeks at 600mg did more.
Agree with masteron. If you're planning on bumping up doses (tren), take small steps. There's a fine line between amazing and "Ohhhhhhhhhh shiiiiiiiit, what did I do..?"
Thanks again for the replies. Masteron was also suggested by a friend. I will look into that. I prefer to go long on cycle (longest was test and deca up to 750/week eachx26 weeks) and after I just drop to 2/300mg a week trt after. Thanks again looking forward to more replies. You guys are great.
If you go with EQ you'd want to run it longer for sure... if you go with Mast - you're very close to creating one of my favorite combos...

Test-e 300 mg
Tren-e 600 mg
Mast-e 600 mg

With trenbolone being fairly new to you - here's something that might help as you plan your tren cycles.

As the saying goes - "everyone responds different to tren."

But I discovered this early in my cycles...

"If the test goes up - the tren goes down" ... "If the tren goes up - the test goes down."

I've ran test-e at 600-800 mg and tren-e 200-400... and test-e 200-400 and tren-e 600-800.

The sides are always mild if I follow this simple rule...

And then add the next item as planned. :D
Thanks for that insight Repo. That was how I did it last time. I don't know that I'd go lower than 300 test though. Going to have to look into this masteron though, because I don't fee like I'd need to go above 600 on the teen. Not sure if I mentioned it but it was tren E. I really was amazed at what that stuff can do. Can not wait until the end of October! You guys are great!