After bulk cycle


New member
hope this works this is the first time trying to attach a pic. i've cut up now but no new pics yet.
damn a red neck with a gun, beer and also worksout. Whats this world coming too? LMFAO!!!! only kidding jim bob..........

anything i can do just ask bro, just having fun.
yeah that was a redneck day if i ever had one.LOL.
Drinking Coors lite shooting 454mag and riding dirt bikes.Sure says lets go shoot some Ground hogs.
This was a Calgary trip i had done for work i was gone for 3 months and told work i needed a gym if they wanted me to go. I had started some gear about a month before i went and didn't want to F myself. Dianabol was good and Deca. I want to run a new Cycle to get bigger and cut. but i think i will split the 2.
you sick bastard. what was your exact cycle like, what was your starting weight and do you have any before pics??

btw nice gun LOL
i ran 30mg of dbol for 1-4 and 1-12 250mg deca and clo for the post cycle therapy (pct). this was the first time for me. although i was alright i want to learn more from others that have done more
starting weight 195lbs and i'm at 206 now hieght is 6' 34 yrs
i choose the deca for the joint repair factor but6 i am feeling the joints again.