Aggressive problem, sustanon only cycle


New member
Im thinking to do first cycle with sustanon 250x2 only. But i have a problem. Im already a aggressive person. I read a topic yesterday and people said steroids make me want to kill people. I said WOW. Is test only cycle too dangerous for psychology? Like i said i am aggressive person and im scared now to take testosterone because i can do dangerous thing.

Is testosterone like drugs?
High testosterone levels make me the nicest, happiest, easiest-going person alive. Watch your estradiol levels though as they can turn you into a moody bitch.
I cant watch sensitive e2 assay. Is estradiol enough ? With 500 mg test, when i should start 0.25 mg arimidex eod ? I will use hCG with test.
Isnt this wrong? Everyone is different. Low estradiol = joint problems. I think i should start second week.
If u are taking steroids and drinking going out and looking for shit it will probably find u, other then that I cannot see why test would.make u feel that way, tren "yes", as I do get aggressive on tren" but just test only "no"
AAS will only turn an asshole into a bigger asshole. I get dreams on tren of violently killing folks, but that's totally different from actually going all crazy while conscious.
I dream all the time halfwit, lucky enough I don't get those bad sides as some running tren other then feeling more aggressive,.and think people are staring at me.the wrong way at times lol, but fuck me tren makes me hornier then fuck, Def look at chick's differently on tren then my dose of test, like the so so girls look so tasty on tren haha
ha Lol I'm even less aggressive in gym as I was sometimes before gear... I'm on 500mg week, was on test E 2 weeks ago switched to pharma grade sustanon
They don't make most people more aggressive. That is a myth spread by the media.
haha right keep telling yourself that. steroids are male sex hormones, and why are men naturally more aggressive than women? because of higher levels of testosterone and other androgens that that we inject. how can you possibly deny that steroids make you a little more aggressive? that's just ridiculous. now, "roid rage" on the other hand, is a total myth. thats just someone who has very very poor self control. but the precursor for "roid rage" are the steroids, the act is an act of poor self control
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haha right keep telling yourself that. steroids are male sex hormones, and why are men naturally more aggressive than women? because of higher levels of testosterone and other androgens that that we inject. how can you possibly deny that steroids make you a little more aggressive? that's just ridiculous. now, "roid rage" on the other hand, is a total myth. thats just someone who has very very poor self control. but the precursor for "roid rage" are the steroids, the act is an act of poor self control

Roid rage and aggression on steroids are a myth spread by the media. Most guys are happier and nicer than ever when running high doses of AAS.

Women are just as aggressive as men. They just tend to not be physically aggressive as much as men. You should spend more time studying psychology and less time spreading myths. And maybe try using AAS yourself before spreading false information.
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