AI and post cycle therapy (pct) questions


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AI and PCT questions

Hey guys, i'm a n00b here so don't blast me out of the water for seeking advice. I just started my first cycle ever and i've been researching and reading for about the past 3 months before i started. My main worries are getting bad sides from estrogen conversion, so my question is: What do I need to do or get right now to prevent gyno and/or other negative sides?

A little info on me to gauge your responses (if any) on. I'm 29 years old, 5'6", 170lbs. I've played sports and been active since I was a very young child. My dad was the state chairman for a powerlifting assoc. and competed for 25+ years so i've been around the lifting scene my whole life and been working out since I was a kid. I've slacked off some through my mid 20's until now. Been back seriously working out and doing cardio off and on over the past 2 years. Been hitting it hard and eating very strict and clean about the past 3 months and just started my cycle yesterday.

My Cycle consists of Test 250 and EQ 300, both from BioTech. I plan on pinning twice a week, Saturday 1mL of each and Wednesday 1mL of each, total of 500mg Test and 600mg EQ per week. Please give me any input on if these seem like good dosages for a first cycle and if my schedule seems appropriate.

I need some input and advice about AI's and what would be the best route to take for PCT for me. I'm thinking Nolvadex for PCT, but i'm not sure about dosages and dosing schedule for anti-estrogen agents. And i'm not sure about the legality or availability of PCT drugs, so info on a source for nolvadex(pm this)would be a big help! ANY help at all would be GREATLY appreciated!! And yes I have used the search button, but I know everyone is different and need different doses based on size, weight, etc... I just really want some quality advice from some wise veterans.

Thank you so very much, in advance, for anyone who actually takes the time to read through my long winded post and share advice with me. Also feel free to PM me or email if you don't want to post publicly.

Cheers new friends

Switch those around at:
600 for test
500 for EQ

Run 12.5mg ED of Aromasin as your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and run clomid for your pct at 50mg per day for 4 weeks. Clomid should start about 2 weeks after your last injection.

Sorry, I'm really bad with skimming over posts without reading the whole thing.

Keep in mind that the stadard first cycle is test only to see how well you adapt to these compounds.
For that I suggest that you only do 600mg of test per week for 12 weeks along with the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and PCT that I posted above and save the EQ for next go round...

I know people are stoked to get their cycle going and want to stack from the get go but this can prove to be harmfull to your body if it doesn't agree with you... Some people go bald or get gyno pretty quick from using this method because they didn't test the waters with a standard test cycle first.
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Your dose for test and EQ are fine, EQ is very mild so it's ok it's a little higher. EQ works great for keeping you hungry. Adex or aromasin are both great for an aromatise inhibitor and can be bought legally from RUI(the banner up top) as they're research chems. For PCT you should run something a little stronger like clomid and nolvadex
Or you can run toremifen at 60/60/60/60 alone for 4 weeks.
All of this as said can be bought legally from RUI. How long are you running your cycle?
Thanks for the replies guys, i really appreciate it. I plan on running this first cycle for only 10 weeks due to only having two bottles of the test e 250. Wanted to start light and make sure i was gtg. Thats the main reason I chose to run EQ with the test, because it's supposed to be so mild in the sides category.

Chris- you said to run Nolvadex at 50/50/50/50 and Clomid at 20/20/20/20. That is 50 or 20 mg a day for 4 weeks, correct?

EDIT: Forgot to ask about Aromatase inhibitor (AI) dosages and what week of the cycle they should start and end. Thanks for your patients with my basic knowledge questions. I am currently working my way through the sticky's to find out as much as possible on my own :)

And... I could most likely grab another bottle of Test if I should push 12 weeks out of it instead of 10... You think?
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yes 50mg a day for four weeks and 20 mg a day for 4 weeks...

eq should be ran no less then 12 weeks so get yourself another bottle of test and also make sure your run the test one week longer then the eq as eq has a longer ester...

get yourself some aromasin and run it like YES says...also your gonna have to play with that dosage because not everyones estro reacts in the way to find out what dosage is keeping your levels normal is blood work

and let me save you some money...go to manpowernutrition. com or extremepeptide .com for your clomid (aka clomiphene), nolva (aka tamoxifen) , and aromasin (aka exemestane)....all these sites are legal have been researching for 3 months and you started this cycle without an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) or a good handle on pct??? Thats not good research bro
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Cobra pretty much cleared it with clomid at 50mg for 4 weeks and nolva at 20mg for 4 weeks. You can also run toremifen for pct at 60/60/60/60 as a stand alone and not have to deal with the side of clomid if you do get them. Good luck, you did do a lot more research than most noobs here do good on you for that.
Cobra, I know I should have done more and been better prepared, but I think all of us have been anxious to get started at one point.

I really do appreciate the advice guys. How do I give reps and I'll be sure to hook u guys up if u want.

Also, let me make sure I've got this right...
Clomid AND Nolvadex for PCT or just one or the other? Or, just the last one you mentioned at 60x4? Right...
Just stick with clomid and nolva...toremifene for me didn't work very well

So run them together during post cycle therapy (pct)? And then the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) you suggested during cycle?

Thanks again for the help.

EDIT: figured reps out and hooked you up
Hey Cobra, thanks for the advice bro. I appreciate you taking the time out to help me and having the patience for my beginners questions.

About the aromasin... Will that protect me from gyno during my cycle? Thats my biggest fear. I know it affects everyone different, but my good buddy who turned me on to everything was having gyno problems mid-cycle and not just post-cycle. He ended up getting surgery about 2 years ago and it cost him big time. I just don't wanna go down that road...

So as long as i take the aromasin mid-cycle and then follow up with Nolv and Clom post cycle therapy (pct) i should be pretty well protected from gyno, correct?

Thanks again
Hey Cobra, thanks for the advice bro. I appreciate you taking the time out to help me and having the patience for my beginners questions.

About the aromasin... Will that protect me from gyno during my cycle? Thats my biggest fear. I know it affects everyone different, but my good buddy who turned me on to everything was having gyno problems mid-cycle and not just post-cycle. He ended up getting surgery about 2 years ago and it cost him big time. I just don't wanna go down that road...

So as long as i take the aromasin mid-cycle and then follow up with Nolv and Clom PCT i should be pretty well protected from gyno, correct?

Thanks again

Ya run the clomid and nolva together so clomid 50mg and nolva 20mg everyday of pct.

Your buddy could have been really really sensitive to estrogen or he didn't use an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) or he didn't use his Aromatase inhibitor (AI) correctly. As far as the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) dosage its something you have tweak for yourself....we all say run it at 12.5mg ed but that's just a general dose for.the can start at that dose but you will never know what dose keeps your estro levels in a normal range unless you get blood work done....blood work is best before a cycle and mid cycle (depending how long the cycle). So in short start your aromasin when you start your cycle and 6 - 8 weeks in (on a 12week cycle) get your blood work done and see where ur estrogen levels are....that way you can increase or decrease your dose. Also when you start the aromasin don't stop till your pct is over....aromasin does not need to be tapered at the end of pct like other ai's do
Just pinned my second dose of test and EQ and it's burning a bit at the injection site, similar to rubbing alcohol on a cut... It didn't do this on the first dose. Is this normal? The burning is very surface with just a tad bit of Mild or dull pain as I feel the fluid spread thru my muscle. Just wondering why my left cheek is doing this and my right cheek did not... Weird. Same gear, was very safe and proper about the process.
Prob alcohol. you wiped the vial stopper with alcohol before withdrawing the gear, right?

Yeah, I think you are correct Matt. I talked to my buddy who is a nurse and also cycles, he said the same thing. I think I just got a little nervous and jumped the gun.

I know I've prob already said this a hundred times in this thread, but I seriously appreciate you guys advice and feedback. It's reassuring to know there is a community of mature experienced guys willing to help out when I need it. Definitely give this forum 2 big thumbs up!

And reps to all... Rep back if u don't mind.
No shit, he did the same to me, but I thought it was negative at first.

Damn, i'm sorry guys... I thought I was giving you reps. I just clicked the give reputation button, typed in a comment like "good advice" and then hit ok.

Tell me how to make it right, my bad.:wallbash: