AI for reducing estrogen to get rid of pubertal gyno


New member
Hi I am 18 and I am trying to get rid of some pubertal gyno. I've been on nolvadex for 2 months and then I switched to raloxefine and have been on that for around 1 and a half months. I have 1 months supply of raloxefine left. I have definitely seen improvement, lumps have decreased in size a bit and some parts of the lumps seem to have been broken up. However, nipple sensitivity is still present - it may have lessened slightly but it is far from what I was looking for. I am currently taking 90mg ralox ed, so I am stumped as to why the nipples are still sensitive, as surely this means some estrogen is still reaching the breast receptors? I am planning on getting my bloods tested in a few weeks. In the meantime, I am going to order some more ralox/nolva (depending what is cheaper) and also an AI, as my estrogen is clearly too high if my nipples are still sensitive. I don't want to completely crash my E2 to almost nothing as I can't deal with the lack of sex drive and it won't be at all good for my development. I want to reduce my E2 by around 50%. What AI and dosage would you recommend? Thanks.
I would highly recommend testing your E2 before you take any AI. Maybe that's what you're already planning, your post isn't completely on the sequence.

There could be other reasons for your nipple sensitivity. I would make every effort to rule this out before concluding that E2 must be lowered.

I would stick with raloxifene over nolvadex even if the price is higher. For one thing, nolvadex can raise SHBG which could lower your free test. I'm assuming you're not on testosterone now.
Sorry Bubba, it won't do what you think. Nipple sensitivity doesn't mean anything, unless it HURTS even with the slightest touch to your nipples. SERM treatment is the best approach, and if that doesn't work, time to get a consult in with a doctor to discuss alternatives.

My .02c :)
I would highly recommend testing your E2 before you take any AI. Maybe that's what you're already planning, your post isn't completely on the sequence.

There could be other reasons for your nipple sensitivity. I would make every effort to rule this out before concluding that E2 must be lowered.

I would stick with raloxifene over nolvadex even if the price is higher. For one thing, nolvadex can raise SHBG which could lower your free test. I'm assuming you're not on testosterone now.

Depends how soon I can get my bloods done, tired of this nipple sensitivity. If I were to take the AI without having tested bloods I'd just start at a very low dosage and slowly taper up till I find the desired result.

As for determining other factors, what else could cause the sensitivity and what can I do about it to know if that's the case?

I do agree that ralox is much better for gyno reversal, only thing is that I'm more skeptical about the legitimacy of the raloxefine. As its a newer drug and harder to get, I'm guessing it's more commonly faked. Also the nolva I had was a generic UK brand whereas the ralox is an indian brand; Cipla, which has been known to be faked.

As for testosterone, I have never been on it or anything like that - Only things I have taken is ralox and nolva.
Sorry Bubba, it won't do what you think. Nipple sensitivity doesn't mean anything, unless it HURTS even with the slightest touch to your nipples. SERM treatment is the best approach, and if that doesn't work, time to get a consult in with a doctor to discuss alternatives.

My .02c :)

Wow really? That's actually really got my hopes up. It rarely every hurt when i touch it, I have to press quite firmly to feel any sort of tenderness. I just get sort of dull aches on and off sometimes throughout the day. But if that is no indication of effectiveness then that makes me feel much better lol.
Wow really? That's actually really got my hopes up. It rarely every hurt when i touch it, I have to press quite firmly to feel any sort of tenderness. I just get sort of dull aches on and off sometimes throughout the day. But if that is no indication of effectiveness then that makes me feel much better lol.

Have you had a diagnosis by a doctor? This isn't sounding like gyno at all. I think a pic as SP mentioned would kill two birds with one stone. :)
Depends how soon I can get my bloods done, tired of this nipple sensitivity. If I were to take the AI without having tested bloods I'd just start at a very low dosage and slowly taper up till I find the desired result.

As for determining other factors, what else could cause the sensitivity and what can I do about it to know if that's the case?

I do agree that ralox is much better for gyno reversal, only thing is that I'm more skeptical about the legitimacy of the raloxefine. As its a newer drug and harder to get, I'm guessing it's more commonly faked. Also the nolva I had was a generic UK brand whereas the ralox is an indian brand; Cipla, which has been known to be faked.

As for testosterone, I have never been on it or anything like that - Only things I have taken is ralox and nolva.

The problem with this approach is that if there is another reason your nipples hurt you will never get the intended effect with an AI and will end up crashing your E2.
Have you had a diagnosis by a doctor? This isn't sounding like gyno at all. I think a pic as SP mentioned would kill two birds with one stone. :)

Trust me it's gyno. There's a hard lump behind the nipple, sticks out like a bitch when I'm warm, but looks completely normal when I am cold. Got this shit when I started puberty and it looks exactly like any other case of gyno I have found on the internet. And I don't really feel like posting a pic when my nips aren't hard, embarassing bro. I 100% have gyno lol, got it verified by a doctor a while ago anyway.
The problem with this approach is that if there is another reason your nipples hurt you will never get the intended effect with an AI and will end up crashing your E2.

Yeah I see what you mean, estrogen might not even be the problem. However I still believe it is because ever since I got on tamox/ralox they've decreased in size.
why would I lie? I only made this thread to get some help to do with gyno. If I ever get the chance I'll post a pic tho.

Lets see the pics.

I don't think you're purposely lying, I just don't think you are correct

7% is only a few weeks away from stage-ready condition and there aren't a lot of people that accidentally get in that kind of shape (with any kind of appreciable muscle mass at least)
Trust me it's gyno. There's a hard lump behind the nipple, sticks out like a bitch when I'm warm, but looks completely normal when I am cold. Got this shit when I started puberty and it looks exactly like any other case of gyno I have found on the internet. And I don't really feel like posting a pic when my nips aren't hard, embarassing bro. I 100% have gyno lol, got it verified by a doctor a while ago anyway.

If you have a doctor diagnosis, why not have them treat it? You're aware that a HUGE amount of "gyno" cases are nothing more than a plugged duct, or water retention, right?

This, combined with the claim of 7% body fat percentage, necessitated the request for an image. Nobody is judging you, but if you truly do have such a low body fat percentage, and indeed have gynecomastia - a picture would be worth 1000 words.
Sorry Bubba, it won't do what you think. Nipple sensitivity doesn't mean anything, unless it HURTS even with the slightest touch to your nipples. SERM treatment is the best approach, and if that doesn't work, time to get a consult in with a doctor to discuss alternatives.

My .02c :)

I don't agree. He is on the right track. AI's have been known to effectively reverse and remove gyno left over from puberty. Serms won't do anything for gyno.
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If you have a doctor diagnosis, why not have them treat it? You're aware that a HUGE amount of "gyno" cases are nothing more than a plugged duct, or water retention, right?

This, combined with the claim of 7% body fat percentage, necessitated the request for an image. Nobody is judging you, but if you truly do have such a low body fat percentage, and indeed have gynecomastia - a picture would be worth 1000 words.

Doctors in the UK will not prescribe any meds to reduce gyno, they only suggest surgery.