All trolls or idiot teenagers post here please


Well-known member
I am on the site a lot. There are so many knowledgeable bros on here that selflessly give their knowledge and experience to help others
If you're an asshole troll.....please log off and go elsewhere with your bullshit cuz we've heard it all and are hardly entertained.
If you are under 25.....follow the above instructions cuz it's impossible to advise someone your age to take test unless you are diagnosed low (which few if any of you ever are)
Either of luck. Your diet is probably shit and steroids will amplify the shit outta that.
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turning 25 in june and honest and i just wish i didnt start so young, if at all.. i fucked myself up for life.
Can I sub-q in my face for a better beard?

But really tho. I know the basics. Im here for TRT and curiosity. It's obvious to you experienced guys when someone doesn't know shit if its obvikis to me, and with decades of experience seeing and making mistakes. I wish the teens would listen and the trolls would stay on facebook. It just clutters the forum.

"I'm 18 and have researched" . . . . Well then how did you miss the last 50 teenagers get told it was stupid or NEVER find the beginners cycle/PCT and don't know what HCG is? Haha
Can I sub-q in my face for a better beard?

But really tho. I know the basics. Im here for TRT and curiosity. It's obvious to you experienced guys when someone doesn't know shit if its obvikis to me, and with decades of experience seeing and making mistakes. I wish the teens would listen and the trolls would stay on facebook. It just clutters the forum.

"I'm 18 and have researched" . . . . Well then how did you miss the last 50 teenagers get told it was stupid or NEVER find the beginners cycle/PCT and don't know what HCG is? Haha

Great point
One of my favorite remarks from them is, "but I know i have reached my full genetic size and i will not grown anymore so whats the harm in doing gear even though im 18?" does my head in.