Already feeling the pumps going


I am banned!
So I went ahead and started the 50 mg dbol and DECA cycle since my last post and I feel the pump already. My bench was great last night and I'm glad I jumped on. I know I was told not to, but I feel good so far. I have nolva on hand for gyno but so far so good. Two days in and doing ok. Noticed lots of negatively but I want to get along with peeps here :Party:
Good luck fucking up your hpta. The dbol and deca combo will bloat you like a fucking balloon and to top it off you will have a nice moon face and flaccid dick. Lol at nolva on hand, maybe get an AI, but fuck it right. Solid game plan you got bud, and we did not forget about all the negs you handed out moron.
DBol pumps always happened for me fairly quickly too, easily by day 2.

Despite all the negativity and how much i do not support your cycle, I do hope you recover. Because I honestly don't want to see someone f'd up for years or even life.
Thank you. You seem like the only decent person here so far. Those other two started tough talking me already lmfao. Yeah I hope this cycle is good. My bodybuilder Buddy said that dbol is some good shit to run with the deca. And nolva can be used for gyno smart ass.
Thank you. You seem like the only decent person here so far. Those other two started tough talking me already lmfao. Yeah I hope this cycle is good. My bodybuilder Buddy said that dbol is some good shit to run with the deca. And nolva can be used for gyno smart ass.

Dbol is some good shit to run with deca,, shit it's F'ing even WAY better when your running with test too!!

Not sure why the heck your not running test and you don't think it's a muscle builder,, test is king of AAS and is the base of any good cycle.

Years back, my first cycle, test only-- test gives results . Proof is in the pudding bud
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Proof in pudding sure man. You were juicing in the before picture and upped dosages bro. I don't care for test at all. I know you guys think you know everything but I got people who know lots too and got different opinions
Proof in pudding sure man. You were juicing in the before picture and upped dosages bro. I don't care for test at all. I know you guys think you know everything but I got people who know lots too and got different opinions

Damn you're a little know it all aren't ya? What is your point in posting here? I'll ask you again ...
How do you feel about shutting off testosterone production when the top two places in your body for test receptors are the brain and heart? You do realize this is going to happen right? And yes it is body building AND science.
I post here for advice and encouragement. I wasn't injecting test to begin with so my body will be OK. Why would something change in my body just because I take dbol and DECA which are safe to use together, fact. Thanks anyway I am using this more as a cycle log also.
I post here for advice and encouragement. I wasn't injecting test to begin with so my body will be OK. Why would something change in my body just because I take dbol and DECA which are safe to use together, fact. Thanks anyway I am using this more as a cycle log also.

I am going to try again. You will stop producing testosterone from your testicles because your body will notice that something has replaced it, deca and dbol. You need this testosterone to function like my friend above me said. Your health and well being depend on it. People who don't make enough of their own test inject it to feel better. Do you get where I am going here?
I post here for advice and encouragement. I wasn't injecting test to begin with so my body will be OK. Why would something change in my body just because I take dbol and DECA which are safe to use together, fact. Thanks anyway I am using this more as a cycle log also.

No one is going to encourage stupidity..
You've been given lots of advice, that you ignore, because you'd rather smart and experienced AAS guys support your ignorant decision and pat you on the back and tell you your cool for doing such a bad ass cycle
Are you trolling? If not, what is the point of this post? You came on here asking for advice and when you didn't like the responses you started acting like a child. Everyone on here tried to help you out but you don't want to listen. That's alright, if you want to screw yourself up then that's your choice. But You don't want to get along with anyone. You're trying to prove a stupid point. I hope you stick around and pay attention to the advice you are given by those with far more experience than you because you obviously need some direction from someone other than your "bodybuilding friend".
With your attitude,, I'm actually glad your ignoring good advice and doing this cycle.. Some people just need to learn the hard way.

As for me juicing in the before pic,, lol. . Why the fuck would you even think that.. I looked juiced in the before pic, yeah right.. Just showing one injecting test does, adding 33 lbs..
When your done with your cycle, have no testosterone in your body and are full of estrogen and turn into a little girl,, you'll be gaining fat and loosing muscle. Have fun with that
I appreciate some of the advice but these guys are fucking with me because I am new here and they got short fuses from all the test they stack with everything. I don't know a lot but I know people who do and that means a lot too.I won't keep going back and forth with anyone but I will update this to show that my cycle is g2g. My buddy sold me this gear and vouches that I will get great results.
With your attitude,, I'm actually glad your ignoring good advice and doing this cycle.. Some people just need to learn the hard way.

As for me juicing in the before pic,, lol. . Why the fuck would you even think that.. I looked juiced in the before pic, yeah right.. Just showing one injecting test does, adding 33 lbs..
When your done with your cycle, have no testosterone in your body and are full of estrogen and turn into a little girl,, you'll be gaining fat and loosing muscle. Have fun with that

I wonder what he looks like if he thinks you were geared up in the before pic...
Hey biggerbiceps... I guess I'm missing something here, But I read the thread and couldn't find the reason why you're not taking Test? So what is the reason?