U keep saying u do not like test. You say this is your first cycle. U say " my buddy who sold me the gear say this is gonna be a good cycle."
And you will get bigger with water, quickly I assure you that; however you are missing the point here on 1 key element and that is with out test your not a man..either naturally produced or, when your turning it off with exogenous ( know that word ?) aas usage your EVENTUALLY gonna wind up in a bad spot. At 20-21, after this ends..and it will end one way or another, I hope you can recover your natural test production.
Now please understand those giving you grief have years if not decades of experience saying your placing your body at risk at the expense of a DRUG DEALERS advice., whose main goal is moving product not being your friend as a friend would not let this happen. He s not even a good drug dealer but that s another topic.
Now, I was nice, factful and respectful. Ur in need of education. That recquire s more effort than simply pinning and swallowing d bols.
I hope you realize your decision MAY land u in a bad way, mental and physical. I just want you to ready.
OK. POP off to me..your out for a week or for good. Ur reckless and whining as your not getting endorsed in your testicular suicidal ideations.