Already feeling the pumps going

Despite all the negativity and how much i do not support your cycle, I do hope you recover. Because I honestly don't want to see someone f'd up for years or even life.
Don't worry you won't have to see him f'ed up for years or even life, because you don't know him...
Horrible choices for this cycle, u should always use test as a base in any cycle even if being at a low dose of test say at 200mg/week
Also what gets me is with deca plus.dbol.and not running an ai is not the best decision either. It's obvious your buddy has misinformed u in a lot of ways or u wouldn't be posting pumps in 2 days if u had not one slightest regret on what u are doing
ology should incorporate a test based off of begginer cycle stickys before any thread is posted lmao... then these wouldnt happen

and please, why no test base???? BICEPS
U keep saying u do not like test. You say this is your first cycle. U say " my buddy who sold me the gear say this is gonna be a good cycle."

And you will get bigger with water, quickly I assure you that; however you are missing the point here on 1 key element and that is with out test your not a man..either naturally produced or, when your turning it off with exogenous ( know that word ?) aas usage your EVENTUALLY gonna wind up in a bad spot. At 20-21, after this ends..and it will end one way or another, I hope you can recover your natural test production.

Now please understand those giving you grief have years if not decades of experience saying your placing your body at risk at the expense of a DRUG DEALERS advice., whose main goal is moving product not being your friend as a friend would not let this happen. He s not even a good drug dealer but that s another topic.

Now, I was nice, factful and respectful. Ur in need of education. That recquire s more effort than simply pinning and swallowing d bols.
I hope you realize your decision MAY land u in a bad way, mental and physical. I just want you to ready.

OK. POP off to me..your out for a week or for good. Ur reckless and whining as your not getting endorsed in your testicular suicidal ideations.
maybe he's going through a sex change and testosterone will f*** it all up

Well when he is done and has nice big Gyno tits and a shriveled up dick that looks like nothing more then a big clit.. It'll be like he did go,through a sex change
Well when he is done and has nice big lactating Gyno tits and a shriveled up dick that looks like nothing more then a big clit.. It'll be like he did go,through a sex change

Fixed that for ya. Can't forget he's taking a 19-nor AND estro-bol... Errr dbol. ;)
Fixed that for ya. Can't forget he's taking a 19-nor AND estro-bol... Errr dbol. ;)

Throw in the lactating nipples with that big clit and balls that have shrunk so bad they raised back up the sack and he's left with basically a vagina too..

Damn that's a pretty successful low cost sex change-- congrats on that at least OP
Good man. Please listen. Look man...I had my mammaries CUT OUT as I was LACTATING from a glorious deca dbol cycle. Noone here want s you to be hurt is all...

I l lock ANY thread you start, hi jack or stir the natives with " no test is best" ideology as it smacks of immaturity and recklessness. But I ll also help you learn the ropes OK ?

Tell your guru to wade in and I ll back slap his logic as it s illogical. He s an idiot son and he does not give 2 shits about you; evident in your posts.

Stick with nice..listen to fact and you will be better off....when u r 51 son.
you d amazed bro but hisi p does not match others like him; he s today s youth...I want it now, w o working and noonecan say deca dbol will not result in my sex life being like sticking a oyster in a parking meter
My question has still not been answered... What is the reason you're not doing test?
They aren't fucking with you Cuz you're new. I'm new and I've learned so much valuable information on here. So your dealer told you something was good that's going to f you up permenently im sure coke dealers also tell there clients the diwn side right? You're just being ignorant and will not believe people more experienced then everyone trying to help you. That's just beyond ignorant. It's actually repulsive. I just wanna say thank you to all the AAS vets here that helped me from making a terrible decision thank you guys so much. You can't save them all but you saved me from TRT and yall are great. Screw this know it all with his awesome friends. Yall are truly doing something good here don't allow one kid to make yall feel otherwise.
I've been away from Ology for a few weeks and this was the first thread I stumbled on. While it's sad to see guys trashing their bodies, I sure got some laughs out of this one.
I just can't wait to hear from him at Week 5-6 when he cant understand why he's so bitchy and depressed. Or why his 20lbs of water weight is now 20lbs of flab and his tits are oozing butter sauce..

Threads like this just annoy me beyond belief. Close minded people will get this world nowhere..
They aren't fucking with you Cuz you're new. I'm new and I've learned so much valuable information on here. So your dealer told you something was good that's going to f you up permenently im sure coke dealers also tell there clients the diwn side right? You're just being ignorant and will not believe people more experienced then everyone trying to help you. That's just beyond ignorant. It's actually repulsive. I just wanna say thank you to all the AAS vets here that helped me from making a terrible decision thank you guys so much. You can't save them all but you saved me from TRT and yall are great. Screw this know it all with his awesome friends. Yall are truly doing something good here don't allow one kid to make yall feel otherwise.
Lets not suck too much cock now...
Just saying. I almost ran a tbol only cycle. No pct no nothing Cuz that's what my dealer told me would be good. Being greatful isn't cock sucking