Already started nolvadex but want to cruise


New member
First time post so please be gentle!

I just finished my second cycle. Started with winny 60mg ed for 6 weeks in the second week started 750mg test e and 500 mg tren e. I did the tren from week 2 till week 11, en the test from week 2 till week 14. Started with nolvadex 3 days ago after my last injection which was 2 weeks before that, but now I want to cruis with test e for a few weeks till I start my next cycle.

I needed to stop to get an operation but that won't be taken place anymore.

So my question is, is it wise to start cruising or should I finish the nolvadex and just start my next cycle in a few weeks?
why the heck would you bother to pct if you plan to start a cycle in a few weeks ? thats an un needed stress on your body. IF your dead set on running another cycle again right away , then just run a TRT dose of test around 200mg a week.

keep in mind though that cruising is a choice that often times leads to a life time of needing to be on TRT
Bw is 283 lbs or 128 kg.
Bf is around 22%
Goal is to have a Bw above 287 lbs or 130 kg with a bf percentage of 18.

Not training for bodybuilding, but for powerlifting.
Like I sad, I was planning to have a operation. That got canceled.

I also have a powerlifting competition end of June. In want to do one cycle before that game, but also be done on time so a can't be tested positive.
why the heck would you bother to pct if you plan to start a cycle in a few weeks ? thats an un needed stress on your body. IF your dead set on running another cycle again right away , then just run a TRT dose of test around 200mg a week.

keep in mind though that cruising is a choice that often times leads to a life time of needing to be on TRT

agreed. I would strongly rec pct and then atleast a couple months off on top of that.
if you are going to go back on right away then i guess dont bother with the nolva