Am I am immuned to pre work out?


New member
Hay everyone .is it possible I am in immuned to pre work out ?
When I first started I was on n.o explode and my heart would race and get all sweaty .then I would cycle off off it and try something else like super pump max. And a few others I tried and i just find it doesn't give me the same effect when I first started ?
I'm assuming my body built up tolerance for my caffeine level
bro a word of advice,
its not a race to get to 50post so can send PMs
if you noticed your post went from 41 (from memory) back down to 17
im sure the mods deleted your post BECAUSE YOUR A FUCKING TROLL, STOP SPAM POSTING
in calmer words
Chill the fuck out, your acting like a narc who just got promoted and since this is your first case as a rookie your trying to suck the sargents d**k by trying to close this case...Chill out with the spam
I only start a couple threads and commented on a couple .so now what's the big deal if I actually start talking about shit at the gym with shit that I noticed ?
Maybe it's a sign to stop wasting my money at Popeyes And save my money
I'm series I talked to a mod and stopped .now is it poissible I'm immuned. To pre work out from gnc and Popeyes ? I just ran out of superpump max and I was taking 3 scoops 30 befor workout
1) well stop going to GNC because well...they really don't know much sadly and they just push to get commission (I know this because I worked their as a second job and the employees didn't know the difference between creatine and protein).

2) What have you taken? I would be shocked that something like Prodigy would have no effects on you.
Have a break from stims bro you've obviously burnt out your cns a bit. Do you feel really lethargic and tired when your not using a preworkout?
IF, this is serious I would say take a break from stimed pre-workout products for a while and then run then give them a shot again. You probably are use to stim and think that you are not getting anything because you are not getting jettery or anything after taking them.