New member
Weight 171
Bf ~15%
3,250 cals Bulking
1.5 years training 6 months spents cutting 200 to 158 6 months of bad diet and newbies games and 6months really focused bulk
I train 6 days a week or 5 off depending on how I feel for the week
Day 1
Chest 3 exercises /back 3
Day 2
Should 2 exercises tri 2 bi 3
Day 3
Legs 4-7 (depending on how I feel and how heavy I go)
Day 4
Chest 3 exercises back 3
Day 5
Shoulder 2 exercises bi 2 tri 2
Day 6
Legs 4-7
If I only train 5 times I take a day off after the first legs and only do legs once that week (have naturally strong legs and are by far my strongest body part)
I use a warm up set for everything the go 12,10,8,6(don't always get 6 really try to focus on getting stronger sometimes I'll work up to a max)
My lifts have all been getting stronger and I've had a few times where I've deloaded and or taken 3 days off. I feel fine but I've read that this can be over kill but I don't feel it just looking for advise from guys who have been doing this a lot longer then I. Also im natty take protien creatine BCAAS.
Bench 205x2 dead 335x2 squat 315x1
Weight 171
Bf ~15%
3,250 cals Bulking
1.5 years training 6 months spents cutting 200 to 158 6 months of bad diet and newbies games and 6months really focused bulk
I train 6 days a week or 5 off depending on how I feel for the week
Day 1
Chest 3 exercises /back 3
Day 2
Should 2 exercises tri 2 bi 3
Day 3
Legs 4-7 (depending on how I feel and how heavy I go)
Day 4
Chest 3 exercises back 3
Day 5
Shoulder 2 exercises bi 2 tri 2
Day 6
Legs 4-7
If I only train 5 times I take a day off after the first legs and only do legs once that week (have naturally strong legs and are by far my strongest body part)
I use a warm up set for everything the go 12,10,8,6(don't always get 6 really try to focus on getting stronger sometimes I'll work up to a max)
My lifts have all been getting stronger and I've had a few times where I've deloaded and or taken 3 days off. I feel fine but I've read that this can be over kill but I don't feel it just looking for advise from guys who have been doing this a lot longer then I. Also im natty take protien creatine BCAAS.
Bench 205x2 dead 335x2 squat 315x1