Am I overtraining or am is this a good routine?


New member
Weight 171
Bf ~15%
3,250 cals Bulking
1.5 years training 6 months spents cutting 200 to 158 6 months of bad diet and newbies games and 6months really focused bulk

I train 6 days a week or 5 off depending on how I feel for the week
Day 1
Chest 3 exercises /back 3

Day 2
Should 2 exercises tri 2 bi 3

Day 3
Legs 4-7 (depending on how I feel and how heavy I go)

Day 4
Chest 3 exercises back 3

Day 5
Shoulder 2 exercises bi 2 tri 2

Day 6
Legs 4-7

If I only train 5 times I take a day off after the first legs and only do legs once that week (have naturally strong legs and are by far my strongest body part)
I use a warm up set for everything the go 12,10,8,6(don't always get 6 really try to focus on getting stronger sometimes I'll work up to a max)
My lifts have all been getting stronger and I've had a few times where I've deloaded and or taken 3 days off. I feel fine but I've read that this can be over kill but I don't feel it just looking for advise from guys who have been doing this a lot longer then I. Also im natty take protien creatine BCAAS.
Bench 205x2 dead 335x2 squat 315x1
Ok good. I like to think I've gotten pretty good at listening to my body but just wanted to know what yall thought.
Too lazy to read this, but try to PPL routine twice a week. Whatever sets u choose to do, don't aim for 5 reps or 10 reps or 15 reps. Just hit failure, but don't let failure be on low reps or ego area. No such thing as over training, If u eat enough to grow and get ur sleep in, U will be good. Steroids or not.
Overtraining is different person to person if your eating your good to go
This is my routine i do 2 weeks heavy supersets
1 week iso hvlw on cycle or off i go 3 on 1 off
I do 5 sets of 20,15,12,8,failure rest 1 breath force 1-2 more reps then drop to 135 lbs rep till failure even
Exercises i do
Chest 3
Arms 3bi3tri
Shoulders 4-6
Legs squats & presses & deads
The odd time ill take 2 days off
Im not gonna outline my exersises but everymonth i change it
Just my two cents worth..
I use a very similar split. Been using it for quite a while. Believe it or not, it is actually harder to overtrain than you think. The human body has evolved to adapt well to stress(hence why the human race has made it so far). But it's like rereroids said. It's dependent on your goals. Im a performance guy, and for me, that split has worked really well for performance, and its not overtraining as it pertains to my goals.

sidenote, depending on how rigorous your workouts are, you might want to think about upping that calorie count a little if you're trying to bulk.