An Article on Test prop, Tren Ace, and Winny by 3J


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BY: 3J

3J's Nutrition | Diet and fitness consulting to get you to the next level.

The purpose of this article is to educate and help support the use of a very powerful cycle; Test prop, Tren ace, and Winny. The correlation of short esters, the monster that Tren is, and the drying effects of winny make this cycle great for a summer shredder. Before we get into the cycle itself, lets talk about the compounds separately.


When it comes to compounds and stacking testosterone is king. It is the foundation which cycles are built upon. Running any compound without the use of testosterone will leave you with hormone levels similar to a females. Testosterone propionate is a fast acting ester. With a 3 day half-life, it requires a more frequent dosing schedule to reach and maintain stable blood levels. Ideally, prop should be injected every day, but every other day injections have been deemed acceptable (but not optimal). Dosages for testosterone prop range from a minimum of 50mg every other day up to 150mg every other day (some may choose to go higher, but must understand that high dosing should be reserved for very advanced bodybuilding). Estrogen side effects are an issue with prop. Though the peak values of prop are usually lower than those of longer esters, it hits you much faster. If you are sensitive to aromatization its recommended you take the necessary precautions with an SERM or AI.


Trenbolone acetate, or tren ace as its more popularly known, is by far one of the most powerful injectable anabolic steroid. It is considered five times more powerful both anabolic and androgenic properties than testosterone. Tren is a derivative of testosterone. The 19th position of testosterone was altered to give us Tren. Being a 19-nor, tren is up there on the list in terms of liver toxicity. Though tren does not aromatize, it will cause a rise in progestin levels. Proper anti-estrogen/progestin drugs should be used (cabergoline or prami would be best). Tren has a very high binding affinity to the androgen receptor. It also raises igf levels in a way no other compound can (secondarily). One of the most amazing traits of Tren is its ability to increase feed efficiency. The drug allows the body to utilize more of the macro and micro nutrients you ingest, allowing you to eat less and get more out of your nutrition. Tren is well known as a recomp or hardening compound. It has been hailed as the ***8220;devils juice***8221; due to the side effects of insomnia, over-active sweat glands, and changes of temperament (it***8217;s the only steroid to show true changes in temperament). Supplementation of thyroid hormones should be used with tren since it has shown to reduce thyroid function. The acetate ester is one of the shortest esters popularly used in the bodybuilding community. Having a shorter ester than propionate (by about one day) its highly recommended that tren ace be injected daily. The ace ester allows for quick absorption of the compound if side effects occur and the user has to discontinue the drug. Since tren and testosterone fight for the same androgen receptor, its recommended that tren take the higher dosage in a cycle while testosterone takes on more of a maintenance dosage. The proper dosage of Tren ace should be no more than 50mg ed for beginners. Once you get a feel for how much you can tolerate you can slowly raise the dosage of Tren while keeping eyes on any sides that may come of it.


Winstrol has been used by bodybuilders as a cutting steroid for years. Its known for its strong drying properties, making it ideal for those last few pounds of water weight that would usually be stubborn. It is a 17aa compound. It has been altered to survive the first pass through the liver which also makes it highly liver toxic (like most oral steroids), so the use of the injectable version is recommended. Winny also does a great job of lowering SHBG levels, keeping the body from robbing you of free testosterone. The effective dosage of winny is 50 to 100mg daily but cycles should be kept under 8 weeks due to the high toxicity of the compound.


The up side of running a cycle with short esters is that you can run it shorter than a long estered cycle. Justifiably, you shouldn***8217;t need to run this cycle more than 10 weeks (though you can go as short as 6 weeks). I will set this cycle up for an every other day injection schedule to make it easier on the user. Remember that this is a beginners cycle for these compounds.

Testosterone Prop 50mg eod week 1-10

Tren Ace 75mg eod week 1-10 (dosage can be raised up to 150mg eod if the body allows without adverse side effects)

Winny 50mg ed week 2-10

Prami for progestin control should start the second week of tren at .25mg once a week (then up to twice a week if necessary) Keep in mind prami can make you feel sick. Its recommended to take it at night before you sleep. Week 2-10

HCG 250iu twice a week week 1-10

T3 25mcg ed week 1-10


Post cycle therapy should start one week after your final injection and last for 4 weeks

Clomid 100/50/50/50

Nolvadex 40/40/20/20
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This sounds like something I am going to try in the future for sure thanks for the good info bro
nolva dosage is fucked up ...

good article :) maybe you'd want to talk about t3 since you mention it in the tren portion
Why not Toremifene? my understanding is its far superior in doing its job with less sides.

Now I'm on a similar cycle so I'm only asking cause I'm curious. But why the t3?
Why not Toremifene? my understanding is its far superior in doing its job with less sides.

Now I'm on a similar cycle so I'm only asking cause I'm curious. But why the t3?

because nolva/clomid is proven to work, and he's giving advice to begginners, soo i'd hope 3j would go by the book when putting together these articles...

and he explained why t3, because tren down regulates the secretion of thyroid hormone...
Great post!

Just goes to show by hanging out here the information you can take in, I never knew that tren can reduce the function of the thyroid hormone!
Wow, saw this right after I posted up my question lol. 3J, it seems like 700mg-800mg Tren doesnt give me ANY sides but I like running that much tren on a bulk. Care to give me some input on my thread that I started? (ill be using your carb cycle diet I purchased months ago, but that will be months from now, I just like preparing ahead of time)
Wow, saw this right after I posted up my question lol. 3J, it seems like 700mg-800mg Tren doesnt give me ANY sides but I like running that much tren on a bulk. Care to give me some input on my thread that I started? (ill be using your carb cycle diet I purchased months ago, but that will be months from now, I just like preparing ahead of time)

not everyone expereinces sides the same way..

i went from 50 to 100mg ed on my last cycle.. i got insomnia for one night, that includes vivid dreams.. i sweated more, but did not have night sweats.. and i had tren cough the whole cycle...

link me up bro
other people
yea i found it

Hey 3J, I will be doing a similar cycle soon: Test p and tren ace at 100mg EOD for both. I will have arimidex and caber on hand and will be using clomid/nolva as pct. My question is: I live ok australia and it is near impossible to get HCG. Would it be okay to run this cycle without it. I plan on running it for 6 to 8 weeks max.

i have never used tren and have ran several cycles in the past. i am currently on 6 weeks into 600mg test c cycle. couold i throw tren in at 50mg eod for 6 weeks ? i have arimidex on hand and i am using HCG 250iu twice/week. would the tren be benificial at all ?
Tren and deca will shut you down hard. So expect longer recovery times when using them esp without hcg