Anadrol and AI....


bodybuilding hopeful
Hey guys, putting my next cycle together and it's a bulk cycle...

Been reading on Anadrol and from I have been reading, bloat and gyno possibilities are more with Anadrol than that of Dbol...

My last cycle consisted of Test and Dbol (50mg/ED). Ran Liquidex (.5/EOD) the entire cycle and did great, minimal bloat (which I don't mind too much on bulk) no gyno...

My question is:

Is Liquidex .5/EOD sufficient on Test/Deca/Adrol? Or should I be looking into Letro or another AI?


*EDIT: before anyone jumps on my liver, I do run liver/organ support.
just some info on those compounds.. Test is the only thing that converts to estrogen in that stack. Research the A bombs as they cause water retention but it is know to be created through a different pathway. I always thought that was strange but that is what is published. Nandrolone converts to progesterone so there are two compounds out there for than but not recommended. I would front load Androl then taper at 3 weeks for a head start. In the beginning the gains are cool but then too much water. Just my two cents on anti-estrogens vs anti-aromatase like Adex. If you are not competing and looking for long term water retention management I would go for Nolvadex. Much more favorable on the lipid profiles.
Okay, now, I do only plan to run the first 6 weeks of Adrol, so, would you continue the Nolva for the entire cycle, or switch to Adex?
Anadrol is a weird one. So it seems that a fair amount of people do have estrogen and gynaecomastia problems on it, but it doesn't aromatize. The arimidex (that's what liquidex is, right?) should do the trick, but it's not clear why adrol lends itself to gyno.

Anyways, the other thing is that you might need cabergoline for the nandrolone.

So, why anadrol instead of, say, superdrol? Or, since you have experience, dianabol?
Anadrol is a weird one. So it seems that a fair amount of people do have estrogen and gynaecomastia problems on it, but it doesn't aromatize. The arimidex (that's what liquidex is, right?) should do the trick, but it's not clear why adrol lends itself to gyno.

Anyways, the other thing is that you might need cabergoline for the nandrolone.

So, why anadrol instead of, say, superdrol? Or, since you have experience, dianabol?

As for the Caber, is that something I should just keep handy, or include it into the regimen?

As for the decision between Dbol and Anadrol, it is more of a I haven't tried Anadrol before so I don't really know which will give me a better result. The Dbol for me, did give me great pumps, and very minimal bloat. I got more bloat towards the end of the cycle with just the test e. I am looking for sheer bulk gains, so some bloat is expected. I am much more worried about the gyno as I do plan on competing ending of 2013... I have used a ph with superdol being one of the compounds, and it definitely bloated me up and gave me scary strength gains. From what I've researched, the Adrol will be even stronger...

We will see?
With nandrolone you can have prolactin sides. That's what caber is for. There's no real harm in using it to my knowledge (unless you're breastfeeding).

If you're okay with bulk, anadrol is probably the one for you. My understanding (not having run it, but been considering) is that the aggression is high and the bloat is high. Since it doesn't aromatize, and aromatase inhibitor won't help with that.
With nandrolone you can have prolactin sides. That's what caber is for. There's no real harm in using it to my knowledge (unless you're breastfeeding).

If you're okay with bulk, anadrol is probably the one for you. My understanding (not having run it, but been considering) is that the aggression is high and the bloat is high. Since it doesn't aromatize, and aromatase inhibitor won't help with that.

Ok, now, here's a question, since I'm running test though, do need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) anyway? And nice, Test/Deca/Adrol, all known for anger and agression, wife will be thrilled! lol!

*Edit: What doses should the caber be run at?
caber - 0.5 e3d.

test aromatizes. that's why you need an aromatase inhibitor. like arimidex. but use it as needed. there's no need to crash estro levels unless you're having a problem, that can make you feel worse.
Anadrols molecular weight is almost identical to that of estrogen. it has been theorized that it actually acts upon the e2 recptor (Nandi and BigCat). Another theory is that it increases aromatase (Partick Arnold). The third is that is while it is a dht derivative it works as a 19nor (tren or deca). Nolva is a surefire gyno prevention measure - the bloat may just have to be dealt with. However it should be said that much of bloat an be controlled by diet.
Oh and before one can say what would be a good dosage of liquidex it would help to know your test and deca dosages.
Anadrols molecular weight is almost identical to that of estrogen. it has been theorized that it actually acts upon the e2 recptor (Nandi and BigCat). Another theory is that it increases aromatase (Partick Arnold). The third is that is while it is a dht derivative it works as a 19nor (tren or deca). Nolva is a surefire gyno prevention measure - the bloat may just have to be dealt with. However it should be said that much of bloat an be controlled by diet.
Oh and before one can say what would be a good dosage of liquidex it would help to know your test and deca dosages.

Well doses on the Test will be 750mg/week, and Deca 400mg/week. Drol still tossing around dosing regimen... Like I said, I don't mind bloat to an extent. I am curious to know what you all think will be a good dose on AI...

Get some nolva or clomid if you're worried about gyno from drol. I'd say your more likely to get gyno from dbol though with all honesty.

Interesting, I didn't get any gyno from the bol, but I was running an AI...
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