Anadrol Pumps


New member
Man I just finished week 3 of 6 of anadrol and Test. Man the pumps in my lower back are starting to come on strong. LOL, and I was doing deads yesterday. I had to sit down between sets.
I feel great though got my BP tested yesterday 128/94 guess that is average though but I have been eating like mad and I have gained over 20 pouns in 3 weeks.
anabolicdragon said:
I feel great though got my BP tested yesterday 128/94 guess that is average though

Nothing average about that BP, as a matter of fact you are in the hypertensive range. You might want to consider dropping the Drol, and see if that gets your BP back down into normal ranges.
LOL, ok I need I should not have listened to him.
I feel fine right now. Will drop the Drol after this week instead of finishing out to 6.