anastozole and Aromasin both on cycle ? good idea?


New member
I am on anastrozole currently for ai. but have some Aromasin. confused on what is better and wondered could you do half of each dosage morning and night? ?

anyone ever use 2 while on cycle?
I guess you technically could, but you'd have to seriously experiment with dosing to find the right balance. They each have strengths and weaknesses. Asin is suicidal (no rebound), and has zero interactions with SERMs. It tends to require higher dosing and is fairly gentle on lipids -but needs to be taken ED . Adex works faster, and is cheaper while affording more flexible scheduling as it has a longer half-life.

Either will get the job done, I'd stick to one this cycle, and try the other on your next to get a feel for which you like more.