Anavar, Anadrol, and Arimidex cycle?


New member
My goals are to be come as strong as possible, while adding as little mass as possbile. Anavar (var) is excellent for this, and we all know anadrol is amazing for strength and mass gains. However, alot of the mass gained is just water weight.

So what if you used Anavar and Anadrol for strength, and then used arimidex to cut out all of the water weight and estrogenic side efects? I realize the estrogenic effects help build some of the strength and mass, but it should still greatly help. What should be just left with an extremely lean mass cycle, with strength gains out weighing the mass gains right?

I realize this is an all oral cycle. But in actuallity your really only using one. Arimidex has no negative effect on your liver and anavar only does very slightly. So really Anadrol would be the only thing effecting the liver. If liver protectants were used during the cycle it shouldn't be a problem at all.

I am thinking it'd look something like this :
.25 mg Arimidex ed Week 1-8
60 mg Anavar ed week 1-8
50 mg Anadrol ed week 1-6

Any thoughts?
2 orals at once is a stupid idea.
You should always have an injectible (test/eq) base.

But since you probably won't end up listening to me or anybody else here who says the same thing: Enjoy the Jaundice, Testicular Atrophe, Nose Bleeds, No Sex Drive/Inability to Keep an Erection.


Not to mention you won't be keeping any of your gains.
Well there might be certain reasons why he is running this cycle. I'm assuming this is for sport, what sport?
Matty you haven't a clue of what your talking about. Just because its oral doesn't mean you don't keep the gains. Not to mention Anavar is one of the easiest steroids to keep your gains. Not to mention your pretty uninformed if you think muscle just disappears after you go off steroids just because their oral.

Outlawz - I want to be as strong as possible with as little muscle mass as possible. Basicly i want to be able to bench 405, deadlift 550-600, and squat 500, and be under 190 lbs. I am with in 30 lbs of reaching my bench, and 50 lbs below my goal with squats and deadlifts. However, i weigh 197 and about 9.5% bf. This would not be my first cycle. And no my frist cycle was not an all oral cycle

I am doing this because, I am starting a mixed martial arts regiment in the summer, and i would like to be as best as i possible can be at it. I don't like being big and bulky i'd rather be cut up and strong as hell.

Edit: as of right now i plan on doing a Anavar only cycle with a PCT. But, this little idea just popped in my head and i am wondering the feasiblity of it, or if there's something i over looked during my research as to why it wouldn't work.
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I've never used anadrol. But I think Anavar (var) is the ticket for your goals. If you choose to go Anavar (var) only, I would think about bumping the dose and dropping the arimex. I am thinking of running Anavar (var) only at 80-100mgs a day just to see how it works. Keep us posted if you do it.
Right now i am planning on 60 mg a day ed. However, i will bump it up given my financial situation is right.
MattyBoy682 said:
2 orals at once is a stupid idea.
You should always have an injectible (test/eq) base.

But since you probably won't end up listening to me or anybody else here who says the same thing: Enjoy the Jaundice, Testicular Atrophe, Nose Bleeds, No Sex Drive/Inability to Keep an Erection.


Not to mention you won't be keeping any of your gains.
good post.That cycle sucks.
MattyBoy682 said:
Okay Ross, go for it and then let us know how it feels to waste your $ and time.

exactly. knew a guy who did dbol only....gained 30lbs in eight weeks. lost all of it plus 5lbs after PCT.
wood78221 said:
exactly. knew a guy who did dbol only....gained 30lbs in eight weeks. lost all of it plus 5lbs after PCT.
Oh Really? :nerd: Well, what do you think of this quote (cut & paste from an article on cycles & myths about them): "D-bol only at 30mg/day in 4 divided dose and one just before bed.
The only roid that is better than test IN THE SHORT RUN is d-bol...a truly UNREAL steroid and a favorite for over 40 years. D-bol was discovered way back in 1956 and quickly became a favorite of the pro's. D-bol only cycles work VERY WELL so don't let anyone BS you about them. They have been done by many over the last 45 years.
Nolva on hand.

* limit time "on' d-bol to 6 weeks as it is 17aa and can be hard on the liver.

MYTH:..some say that the gains from d-bol do not last...this is BS....the truth is the gains IN WATER from d-bol don't last so it SEEMS lilke the muscle gains don't last. Any steroid taken at bodybuilding doses, even at newbie doses, is going to shut down HPTA all the way so you can see that this "loss of muscular gains" ideation makes no sence.

NOTE: There is one steroid that is quite mild androgenically but seems to result in delayed HPTA recovery IN SOME and it is not is nandrolone, commonly used in the deconate ester(DECA) We don't understand why some bro's have a little trouble recuperating from this roid but it is a fact non the less".

There you have it..... :dunno: :startrek:
And arimidex is totally pointless on that cycle, because neither of those substances aromatize.
If ya just gonna stick with the Var

I'd add a maintenance dose of test 150mg , I started to feel lathargic towards the end and I'm sure this was the Anavar (var) inhibiting my test levels...I even ended up with a little gyno so I'd have nolva on hand and some aromison or AIFM....can never be to careful...I knew a guy with gyno at MMA in the UK and nobody took him people new he had been juicing so cranked up the submissions a bit to far....snap!
2 orals at once isnt the snmartest thing health wise and anadrol is DEFINATELY a mass steroid .if strength only is your goal the Anavar (var) at 60-80 mg a week would be a better bet and dont forget to run creatine with Anavar (var) for vars full effect .
ps dont forget post cycle therapy (pct) .
Reptilicus said:
Oh Really? :nerd: Well, what do you think of this quote (cut & paste from an article on cycles & myths about them): "D-bol only at 30mg/day in 4 divided dose and one just before bed.
The only roid that is better than test IN THE SHORT RUN is d-bol...a truly UNREAL steroid and a favorite for over 40 years. D-bol was discovered way back in 1956 and quickly became a favorite of the pro's. D-bol only cycles work VERY WELL so don't let anyone BS you about them. They have been done by many over the last 45 years.
Nolva on hand.

* limit time "on' d-bol to 6 weeks as it is 17aa and can be hard on the liver.

MYTH:..some say that the gains from d-bol do not last...this is BS....the truth is the gains IN WATER from d-bol don't last so it SEEMS lilke the muscle gains don't last. Any steroid taken at bodybuilding doses, even at newbie doses, is going to shut down HPTA all the way so you can see that this "loss of muscular gains" ideation makes no sence.

NOTE: There is one steroid that is quite mild androgenically but seems to result in delayed HPTA recovery IN SOME and it is not is nandrolone, commonly used in the deconate ester(DECA) We don't understand why some bro's have a little trouble recuperating from this roid but it is a fact non the less".

There you have it..... :dunno: :startrek:

dude, any oral only cycle sucks prick. Thank you.
blackjack said:
you dont want to add mass but are considering anadrol? anadrol will definitely add mass.
its possible he meant andriol instead of anadrol . he wont have to worry about adding mass on andriol unless hes a girl lol that stuff is almost useless to men .