Anavar cycle? Need some tips


New member
Been training hard last few months. Dieting etc. Gained a lot of muscle but I am drinking tons of shit like no xplode amino protein glutamine animal pak.

I came here 1 month ago thinking to do oral Winstrol (winny). Dumped the gear after the 2 weeks after advice from here. I took some test supplements to recover from it but did not do extensive post cycle therapy (pct) . I am still taking test supplements to boost my production.

All the advice here pointed me out to Anavar. Can I do a low avanar cycle? I mean I need low doses to minimise the post cycle therapy (pct) ? What can you suggest

I dont need dont do that or dont do this. I need avice and tips for Anavar and if I should do it. What side effects can I expect from low dose.

My body fat is around 13/14 maybe a little less got 4/6 from abs . Working on last two. I am 185 83/84 KG. I bench 70kg on upper chest machine and 85kg on bench press series.

I have strenght not massive but I am sattisfied
I'll go ahead and get straight to the point instead of waiting for a reply. Anavar (var) only cycles are typical among women. Is this your first cycle? And what are your stats?(height, weight, body fat%, age, # of years training)...considering you are a guy. Anavar (var) is a great hardener/strengthener, but you don't really see the visual effects of Anavar (var) unless you have low bf%. IF you meet the criteria for AAS, you'd be better off with a Test cycle.

EDIT: Didn't realize you put some of your stats up till after I typed.
Your goal shouldn't be to minimize post cycle therapy (pct). Pretty much any decent dose of gear will shut you down.
If your not going to stack it with test...You might as well get some creatine and hydroxycut for your cycle.