Anavar Cycle


No pain - No gain
this is my first cycle ever and it is anvar i am using.


v1 30 mg ed
v2-6 45 mg ed

i have been using the var for 1 week today i high the dosage to 45 mg.

Effects: insane pump in the muscles. i feel that all my body is pumped
more strenght, feel much more harder all my muscles feels like stone.

Sideeffects: frats some nasty bombs, svetting a lot when i am training.

my goals: gain little muscles and much strenght

havent looked i i have put any weight yet. still i am avoiding the mirror and will do for the 3 weeks. then i am going to check if i get any results :P
Adebisi said:
havent looked i i have put any weight yet. still i am avoiding the mirror and will do for the 3 weeks. then i am going to check if i get any results :P

Good idea. I don't look at the scale much either. I go by how I look and feel.
day 11
45 mg ed

Effects: the fart gases has almost dissapeard. strenght and crazy PUMP!

Sideffects: more acne, get much svetty. horny all the time (haha)

Var gives you CRAZY PUMP!

:chimney: hulken is slowly geting stronger!
Day 13
45 mg ed

Effects: the strenght is coming more and more. CRAZY PUMPS. not so horny any more,
Sideeffects: i get swetty very often, more acne, feeling oily

I am going to buy some more anavar tabs. 30 more.

just ask me if you are wondering about something about anavar.
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roccodart440 said:
SO your 2 weeks in and strength is great. What's your body weight doing?

havent checked my weight yet. will do that on saturday.
the strenght isent great yet but it going forward. stronger and stronger.
the thing that i have notice is that my body is stone hard. good :)
after how many weeks did you notice the strenght is best?
Adebisi said:
havent checked my weight yet. will do that on saturday.
the strenght isent great yet but it going forward. stronger and stronger.
the thing that i have notice is that my body is stone hard. good :)
after how many weeks did you notice the strenght is best?

What I meant by strength is great is you are making steady strength gains. I noticed the same. THey started after about a week and just kept going. Once thing I noticed is that the strength gains were greater on Anavar (var) than without it and just on test. I proved it again when I started using it at the end of my cycle.

I get a nice hard look while i'm using the Anavar (var) too. Love that shit. :)

I made strength gains all though my cycle just more so when I was taking the Anavar (var) .
roccodart440 said:
What I meant by strength is great is you are making steady strength gains. I noticed the same. THey started after about a week and just kept going. Once thing I noticed is that the strength gains were greater on Anavar (var) than without it and just on test. I proved it again when I started using it at the end of my cycle.

I get a nice hard look while i'm using the Anavar (var) too. Love that shit. :)

I made strength gains all though my cycle just more so when I was taking the Anavar (var) .

hello bro
my weight was 66 kg a month ago.
after i have high the kalorine intake from 2200-2900 kalorie/day.
thanks to the Anavar (var) and higher kcal i have put some weight on me.
guess how much? hehe 69 kg
66-69 15 april - 11 may
it cant be water because i feel very hard.

it is great i feel bigger :) keep going on 2900 kalorie per day.
130 g protein/day
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Adebisi said:
are you joking. 2g/kg. it is enough bro.
2900 cals/day.
3 kg in 1 month isent it good?

No your gains sounds very good especially if they are solid, but you would definitely benefit from some more protein. 130 grams a day is very little for someone who lifts.
Scenario...5 weeks into Test/Deca. Taking .75cc of Deca and .75cc of Test (200 Cyp/50 Prop) every 4 days. Took 8th shot yesterday. Gained 14 lbs. so far, I gained 10 lbs 3 weeks into it.
Question...I have Anavar also (4 weeks worth @ 40mg/day). I am about to run out of Deca and would like to start Anavar as soon as I get done w/ Deca/Test. Good idea? or would it be a good idea to continue Test throughout the Anavar cycle also?
Test/Deca...awesome stack, I more size/weight, now I want to lean it up a little while retaining the size.
LiftTillIDie said:
No your gains sounds very good especially if they are solid, but you would definitely benefit from some more protein. 130 grams a day is very little for someone who lifts.

mmm i will try to eat more protein then.
can it be possible that the kre-alkalyne has made me go up in weight or is it my kcal intake?

because it says that kre-alkalyne doesnt bind water in to your body.
if it was water i have put on me shouldent i feel smother not harder?

Adebisi said:
hello bro
my weight was 66 kg a month ago.
after i have high the kalorine intake from 2200-2900 kalorie/day.
thanks to the Anavar (var) and higher kcal i have put some weight on me.
guess how much? hehe 69 kg
66-69 15 april - 11 may
it cant be water because i feel very hard.

it is great i feel bigger :) keep going on 2900 kalorie per day.
130 g protein/day

6 pounds in less than 4 weeks. Very nice. And those are solid gains not water.

YOu need more protein. I'm bad about getting the protein I need to but if you can take in more.
roccodart440 said:
6 pounds in less than 4 weeks. Very nice. And those are solid gains not water.

YOu need more protein. I'm bad about getting the protein I need to but if you can take in more.

yes i will eat more egg whites ;) how do you know it is solid gain not water from the kre-alkalyne?

i am considering to end the kre-alkalyne to see if the weight goes down.
anavar is enough to give me strenght i think.

if it is solid gains i am very happy but if it is from the kreatine (water) i am not happy at all. anyway i dont feel watery or something. i am hard like a stone bro.
roccodart440 said:
6 pounds in less than 4 weeks. Very nice. And those are solid gains not water.

YOu need more protein. I'm bad about getting the protein I need to but if you can take in more.

hello bro
i only have a 3 days left on my ana Anavar (var) then my tabs is finished.
i only was on Anavar (var) for 3 weeks. but thats life.
i cant get any more ana Anavar (var) in 10 days. have to get a new sourche where i can buy for the next time.
i think think the gave me good strenght and super pumps. ana Anavar (var) rocks IMO

Now i have e very important questions.

will i lose my gains in strenght and muscle now when i quit?
And if i will do it how long is it going to take when i lost everything?

thanks bro
Lucky13 said:
hi Adebisi

did u take any HCG whilst on and what r u gonna use for PCT?

Since you have finished the cycle now can u upload some b4 and after pics, I'd be interested in seeing the improved muscle hardness people talk about :D

As regards to keeping ur gains I've heard a high percentage keep a large amount of the extra strength and muscle hardness :D

Are you going to run another Anavar (var) cycle or move on to something else ?

Hey bro

i only took ana Anavar (var) . no hcg and i dont think i will do a post cycle therapy (pct) since a dont know who sells post cycle therapy (pct) stuffs. for ex: nolva.
i live in sweden thats the problem. pics will come in a week.

you say so thats nice hope too keep the hardness and the strenght.
i am never going to take anything then Anavar (var) thats for sure because i want to be as clean as possible. if i will use Anavar (var) one more time maybe 1 time a year or so.

but IMO Anavar (var) ROCKS TOTALTY!