Anavar - First Cycle


Has anyone JUST run a anavar cycle, i'm planning on 12 weeks 250mg/wk...I'm not interested in running test or any of the more potent androgenic and anabolic substances...I have to keep my weight down ( weight class reasons ) and am more intersted in strength and keeping my hair...I have heard anavar is just the ticket for this?

sarah-jane said:
You being serious or is it roids talking ?

anavar has been done by itself, but most people use it as a bridge or adds it to their cycle since its not so good to run it alone. Sure you will see some results at high dosage but dont expect it to be the wonder drug. It is low on the side effect side but just as low on the result side IMO. I noticed a little strenght increase, but that is pretty much it, (I ran 35 mg ED for 6 weeks) If you would raise it to 50 mg ED I think you would see some more results. but at 250 mg / week You will run it at the same dosage as i did.

You wont lose hair on stronger compounds if you arent predisposed to MPB, if you arent predisposed I would rather run Winstrol at 50 mg ED. That is what I would do, but then again I wouldnt run Winstrol (winny) or anavar without test as the base.
from what I've read 12 weeks sounds a bit long due to the liver toxicity, how does 6 weeks at 300mg /wk sound or should I try and push for 8 weeks ?

I am predisposed the MPB my bro is a cue ball but thx to Avodart and Fin I still have all of mine :D

I'd prefer to be dead then bald! :afro:
from what I've read 12 weeks sounds a bit long due to the liver toxicity, how does 6 weeks at 300mg /wk sound or should I try and push for 8 weeks ?
sarah-jane said:
mranak your posts are a pain in the ass, just don't post!
Oh, now why you gotta say that? I give you good advice and this is what I get in return? Just rude.

If you want a board where people will just tell you what you want to hear, then this isn't it.
I wouldn't do less than 40mg a day,,,,,50-60 a day would be even better if you are running it alone. Run it for eight weeks, it is a relatively mild roid and shouldn't cause problems at eight weeks. I've run it alone, got decent strength gains and a little size. At the time I was happy with the results, but that was before I tried test.
sarah-jane said:
from what I've read 12 weeks sounds a bit long due to the liver toxicity, how does 6 weeks at 300mg /wk sound or should I try and push for 8 weeks ?
Since you're only running anavar 8 weeks is fine IMO. I wouldn't be worried about liver toxicity...a shitty cholesterol profile should be more the concern.
You can run it for years if you want, all that matters is how comfortable you are with your elevated enzyme levels. Guys seriously, WHOEVER decided 6 weeks was short, 10 weeks was ok, 12 weeks was too long?????????????????? Might as well pick numbers out of a hat.

Like docj pointed out just now, dont worry about liver toxicity too much. If you are concerned go get a blood test, or dont run orals. Back in the day it was more than common for people to run dbol for MONTHS at doses that would make mranak write us a report. I slammed 80mg accutane with 75mg Winstrol (winny) ED a while back. I had bloodwork done every 30 days and the only thing that happened was my cholesterol creeped up a little, as did my triglycerides. Im not trying to say orals are safe at any dose but someone has just gotta step in and remind some of you guys that in the real world, shit isnt black and white. Ok ill get off my soap box now...mranak take her away
DougoeFre5h said:
You can run it for years if you want, all that matters is how comfortable you are with your elevated enzyme levels. Guys seriously, WHOEVER decided 6 weeks was short, 10 weeks was ok, 12 weeks was too long?????????????????? Might as well pick numbers out of a hat.

Like docj pointed out just now, dont worry about liver toxicity too much. If you are concerned go get a blood test, or dont run orals. Back in the day it was more than common for people to run dbol for MONTHS at doses that would make mranak write us a report. I slammed 80mg accutane with 75mg Winstrol (winny) ED a while back. I had bloodwork done every 30 days and the only thing that happened was my cholesterol creeped up a little, as did my triglycerides. Im not trying to say orals are safe at any dose but someone has just gotta step in and remind some of you guys that in the real world, shit isnt black and white. Ok ill get off my soap box now...mranak take her away
sarah-jane said:
Has anyone JUST run a anavar cycle, i'm planning on 12 weeks 250mg/wk...I'm not interested in running test or any of the more potent androgenic and anabolic substances...I have to keep my weight down ( weight class reasons ) and am more intersted in strength and keeping my hair...I have heard anavar is just the ticket for this?


Hey man i'd definitly use anavar by itself for a 1st cycle. 40-50mg ed sounds reasonable. I would not run it over 6 weesk in length. I'd have some Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) on hand just in case and i'd also run a normal nolvadex post cycle therapy (pct). You do not need any anti E's for this. It will make you strong and put on lean muscle. It will make you look harder. I love var. I've run it with test. But I jumpstarted 1the 1st 3 weesk on it so I was feeling mostly var. Now in week 8 i'm back on it and can feel the difference too. var isa a dht derivitive but it isn't that bad on hair loss from what i've reas and I experienced no hairlos and I am very prone to it. I have MPB. YOu need to run milk thisle or the like while on it.

To conclude several moderators here sadi that if I was to do a cycle of anything other than test or stack my 1st cycle vcar would be the only drug that got their stmap of approval.

Go for it bro. Var is sweet shit.
DougoeFre5h said:
You can run it for years if you want, all that matters is how comfortable you are with your elevated enzyme levels. Guys seriously, WHOEVER decided 6 weeks was short, 10 weeks was ok, 12 weeks was too long?????????????????? Might as well pick numbers out of a hat.

Like docj pointed out just now, dont worry about liver toxicity too much. If you are concerned go get a blood test, or dont run orals. Back in the day it was more than common for people to run dbol for MONTHS at doses that would make mranak write us a report. I slammed 80mg accutane with 75mg Winstrol (winny) ED a while back. I had bloodwork done every 30 days and the only thing that happened was my cholesterol creeped up a little, as did my triglycerides. Im not trying to say orals are safe at any dose but someone has just gotta step in and remind some of you guys that in the real world, shit isnt black and white. Ok ill get off my soap box now...mranak take her away
Hey, I'm considering running Oxandrolone @ 100mg/day for an extended period of time (with test). And Accutane, actually.

The thing about orals is that different people react differently. Some people feel like shit when they use heavy orals while others seemingly don't have problems.

You want to fuck up your liver? Become an alcoholic. That shit will fuck you up.

All of this said, I refuse to advocate extended or heavy oral use. If the person wants to do so anyway, then it is a good idea to at least put out a warning that use of orals can elevate liver enzymes and they should really be monitored if the orals are used at larger doses or for extended periods of time. But alot of guys don't listen. I just want to ensure that they've at least been told.
mranak said:
Hey, I'm considering running Oxandrolone @ 100mg/day for an extended period of time (with test). And Accutane, actually.

The thing about orals is that different people react differently. Some people feel like shit when they use heavy orals while others seemingly don't have problems.

You want to fuck up your liver? Become an alcoholic. That shit will fuck you up.

All of this said, I refuse to advocate extended or heavy oral use. If the person wants to do so anyway, then it is a good idea to at least put out a warning that use of orals can elevate liver enzymes and they should really be monitored if the orals are used at larger doses or for extended periods of time. But alot of guys don't listen. I just want to ensure that they've at least been told.

Mranak what have we told you about running two compounds for your first cycle?
:flipoffha :)
Thanks for all the input guys, some people say I should run post cycle therapy (pct) others say it doesn't affect your own T do I need to run a post cycle therapy (pct) and if so would nolva do the trick ?