Anavar - First Cycle

sarah-jane said:
Thanks for all the input guys, some people say I should run post cycle therapy (pct) others say it doesn't affect your own T do I need to run a post cycle therapy (pct) and if so would nolva do the trick ?

post cycle therapy (pct) YES. Nolva will do the trick.

No matter what Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) u use it will shut you down, and post cycle therapy (pct) is always needed.
I'd agree with the statement that, If you want to avoid baldness at all costs, then avoid AAS. You'll run anavar for a couple cycles, then eventually find that you're not getting the results you really want (especially considering the price of some Var). At which point you'll want to move on to a compound that is more useful... I agree you'd get more bang for your buck from Winstrol (winny), but as you noted MPB is a concern. Good luck.
diegothailand said:
I'd agree with the statement that, If you want to avoid baldness at all costs, then avoid AAS. You'll run anavar for a couple cycles, then eventually find that you're not getting the results you really want (especially considering the price of some Var). At which point you'll want to move on to a compound that is more useful... I agree you'd get more bang for your buck from Winstrol (winny), but as you noted MPB is a concern. Good luck.

Well, he said he's just looking for some strentgh and not to gain weight, along with mild sides. Var would be THE thing to try first for that IMO, and there's probably a better than 50% chance it will do the trick. If it does not work, THEN start looking at alternatives.
Winny seems like more of an offender as far as hair loss. I can't say from experience but have read plenty

I have had no probs on var or test with hairloss.

I think Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) affects people differently but in my experience I absolutly love var.

I also suffer from MPB and have had 6 surgeries to combat it ( Pretty successful for the most part , just abut thin in the back) :afro: Anyways ,at 49 yrs old I've run Var at up to 60mg per day or 6weeks without any hairloss. After I ran Clomid for 10 days. Ialso use propecia and minioxidol as a back up to keep as much of my hair as possibe. The results from the Var were I got Stronger ( over 150lbs on my legpress )and harder but I didn't notice much weight change. I was dissapointed ..until a few people asked me if I was on something and said my arms looked huge. The measurements were no better than my best size wise . The only thing was the quality was better.
I agreee that you won't make any drastic changes so even though I've gained around 15 lbs at 6'1" it doesn't make a whole lot of difference. That's why I'm thinking of trying Deca or Test for a short cycle to see if it adversely affects my hair.
tomclub said:
I also suffer from MPB and have had 6 surgeries to combat it ( Pretty successful for the most part , just abut thin in the back) :afro: Anyways ,at 49 yrs old I've run Var at up to 60mg per day or 6weeks without any hairloss. After I ran Clomid for 10 days. Ialso use propecia and minioxidol as a back up to keep as much of my hair as possibe. The results from the Var were I got Stronger ( over 150lbs on my legpress )and harder but I didn't notice much weight change. I was dissapointed ..until a few people asked me if I was on something and said my arms looked huge. The measurements were no better than my best size wise . The only thing was the quality was better.
I agreee that you won't make any drastic changes so even though I've gained around 15 lbs at 6'1" it doesn't make a whole lot of difference. That's why I'm thinking of trying Deca or Test for a short cycle to see if it adversely affects my hair.

Dude, if you gained 15 lbs on var I say that's excellent!! And yes, it's the hardness/leanness that makes the difference, and freaks people out...Not the michelin-man water and fat look...So many people get caught up in the mindless mass cycle...I've been look big, but not like an athlete.
sarah-jane said:
Thanks for all the input guys, some people say I should run post cycle therapy (pct) others say it doesn't affect your own T do I need to run a post cycle therapy (pct) and if so would nolva do the trick ?
you WILL NEED post cycle therapy (pct) . var not shutting you down , especially at those doses is false .
Lifting_To_Failure1 said:
All that liver talk and no milk thistle mentioned...I'm sure it helps if you're really worried about it IMO.
I'm sure it doesnt as no single study proves that it does. Now if you want to still take it and "hope" it works, go for it.
pineapple said:
I'm sure it doesnt as no single study proves that it does.
So because no study proves something to be true, you are sure that it is not true?

Well, I certainly disagree with that logic.
Yeah I gained weight because I was all dieted down to look cut. SO when I gained the 15lbs I was 187lb to 202lb. which was some fat too. I've fallen victim to the weight dilema too. People can only see my muscle out of clothes, so they alway say I wish I was skinny like you.
It sucks
Oh I went to Dr. Brandy in Pittsburgh. But with all the new 1 hair treansplant experts I'd try Bernstein in NY. I have heard good things about Hasson . Do you know they are now doing chest to head transplants. My buddy is scheduled for one the end of July.