Anavar or Winny, cost,results,& sides


New member
Is Anavar at all worth the price? Or would you always be better off just doing Winstrol (winny), since it is cheaper? Mg for mg, $ for $, sides for sides, would Winstrol (winny) be the better choice is what I want to know.
Shit I don't think there is even a comparison!! Mg per Mg Anavar would be my choice hands down and the sides are very mild compared to Winstrol (winny). Cost is where the downside comes in, if you plan on doing enough to see good results, which would be at least 40mgs./per day, it will get very very expensive!!! I think the reason why more people don't go with Anavar is because of the cost. If you can afford it, go for it, that's the choice I would go with. if not you can go with Winstrol (winny), but get youself some joint support because it is a killer on the joints.
BUFFDAWG10 said:
Shit I don't think there is even a comparison!! Mg per Mg Anavar would be my choice hands down and the sides are very mild compared to Winstrol (winny). Cost is where the downside comes in, if you plan on doing enough to see good results, which would be at least 40mgs./per day, it will get very very expensive!!! I think the reason why more people don't go with Anavar is because of the cost. If you can afford it, go for it, that's the choice I would go with. if not you can go with Winstrol (winny), but get youself some joint support because it is a killer on the joints.


Anavar is Daaaaaa BOMB, but the cost does kill it. If you can fly it for 4-5 weeks, definitely worth it. Especially if you stack with Winstrol (winny), OMG, hard as hell. Wish it would come down in price....:Pat:
Well, if you want the price to come down, start buying more LOL... a favorite vet of mine wrote this a few years ago (way back in mid 1990s... last century :D ):

"Anavar is a great steroid, only problem is the price, it is very expensive... In the near future I believe anavar will become one of the most popular steroids on the market. I think the price will slowly drop, and everyone will start using it. You heard it here first ;) "

I have never used either, but will likely try anavar in a future cycle and doubt I will ever use whinny. For me, the prices really aren't that different because I wouldn't use whinny tabs. If you compare winstrol depot and anavar, they are reasonably similar in price, but whinny is harder on hairline, joints, liver, etc like Buffdawg said.
Since BTG now has everyone by the short hairs, you can pretty much give up on any hope of oxandrolone's price coming down. Heck, THEY'RE the reason it's so expensive in the first place. Just my 2 cents.
Im a fan of both Anavar (var) and Winstrol (winny). For me, Anavar (var) takes longer to kick in however once it does, it's incredible. Winstrol (winny) takes a shorter amount of time and like mentioned before, has more sides associated with it (joint pain, hair loss, more toxic than Anavar (var) ). But the price of Winstrol (winny) is only a fraction compared to the price of Anavar (var) .
So based on just strength and the change in your physique, what would you go with? My joints ache like hell on Winstrol (winny), but I was wondering how much of a difference there is on the gains and lean mass and fat reduction using these two. I've used IP Anavar (var), but can never be certain as to what the dosage was I was taking.
I think everyone agreed that Anavar (var) is much better, it's just that it cost so damn much!! As I said before, to see good results you should be taking 40mgs./day at the min., so decide for yourself what you should do. If you have the $$$$, get the Anavar (var) , in my opinion it is much better!
BUFFDAWG10 said:
I think everyone agreed that Anavar (var) is much better, it's just that it cost so damn much!! As I said before, to see good results you should be taking 40mgs./day at the min., so decide for yourself what you should do. If you have the $$$$, get the Anavar (var) , in my opinion it is much better!

Yup yup. If cost is not an issue (although it usually is) Anavar (var) is way to go. Although BTG has some comp now as CK has entered the game, both with ready made and raw material, priced by the gram.
I have heard of 2 UG labs that are supposed to be coming out with Anavar (var). Unless the price falls, I don't see myself taking ana Anavar (var).

I agree with BD here, Anavar hands down!:D

BUFFDAWG10 said:
Shit I don't think there is even a comparison!! Mg per Mg Anavar would be my choice hands down and the sides are very mild compared to Winstrol (winny). Cost is where the downside comes in, if you plan on doing enough to see good results, which would be at least 40mgs./per day, it will get very very expensive!!! I think the reason why more people don't go with Anavar is because of the cost. If you can afford it, go for it, that's the choice I would go with. if not you can go with Winstrol (winny), but get youself some joint support because it is a killer on the joints.
Well all of this is good news to find out, I was about to try a little Winstrol (winny) / omna
on a cycle, however my hair is already giving me hell and I think I'll try
something else.
i've been hearing for quite some time about perutech coming out with var... considering the great pricing and exceptional quality of all thier other stuff, im keeping my fingers crossed it wont be much longer
ok guys sounds like there are a couple diff companies makin the anavar...i have a supplier at 1.25 for 2.5 mg....but not sure of the company yet...gimme some help as to what to look for fake/legit it faked alot...good companies to look for???
pdog7 said:
ok guys sounds like there are a couple diff companies makin the anavar...i have a supplier at 1.25 for 2.5 mg....but not sure of the company yet...gimme some help as to what to look for fake/legit it faked alot...good companies to look for???

Well the only two companies that I know of that make Anavar at 2.5mg are SPA and B*G. These two are hard to come by and IMO I would stay away from them unless acquiring them directly from the pharmacy.

You should look into papervar, Denkall, Loeffler, c &k 5mg ones, and Hubei......those are a few more options to take into consideration also some of them have test to back them up with.