Anavar prices are unreal!!


New member
another thing ive never tried and want to is Anavar (var) , but with what i would need to take ED the cost of it is so ridiculous that i doubt ill ever be able to spend that much money on getting it. why the hell is it so expensive compared to everything else?

i dont want to take anything that "dries" my joints out (winny) bc i have enough trouble with joint issues, anyone have any other suggestions for something that will burn fat like Anavar (var) but not so damn expensive? mast maybe? any opinions?
Clen and albuterol are good choices for fat loss. You could also add in a small dose of T3 too.
Do cardio, to burn fat. Slight change in diet maybe. The only AAS that I have read that has fat cutting properties is TREN^^ posted above.

I would personally run TBOL.
i know diet and cardio, and ive done clen several times but it doesnt really seem to do a whole lot. i planned on running tren next time for its bulk and cut effects. Anavar (var) just seems like it would be the best thing to take at the end of the cycle. well thanks for the posts ;-)
that would be nice. the two places i order from only have it in pill form for sky high prices. ill have to look around some more.