Anavar! (somone has to know)


New member
yo, k so i got my bottle of anavar by Atlas pharmacueticals, and i have seen a pic of another dude with the same bottle, so i know that Atlas is pumping this stuff out on the streets, however there seems to be a mix up of green or white pills and i just think the UGL runs out of certain colors from time to time, mine are white with white powder... anyway, it's my second day, and i'm noticing a slight clean strength increase, and i'm healing like in one day, but i have already noticed it's harder to get hard if you know what i mean... has anyone tried a cycle of this UGL anavar yet... i'm only taking 10mgs in the morning and 10 at night, but i deffinetly feel something!
anavar have to be smooth with HPTA, so nothing on your "getting harder" have to be feel.

especialy in the first day. i don't know any compounds which can make it.

one year ago atlas was used to be a good brand. abut all UGL vary as well the best can vary...
ya ya, it is a white little cap, i popped one open and it had powder in it, and i'm feeling something after i take it... it's weird though, i remeber years ago when i took d-bol, i got really hungry all the time, and i'm hungrier now too, i hope its not d-bol, cuz i didn't prepare and pct...
hey kane red, what do you mean getting harder!? like i mean it took me a but to get a hard on guy, and then an hour later i was a machine and had no problems... is this an absorbtion issue?
any aas cycle needs pct, and all of the atlas anavar ive seen, and i have a friend that runs 100mg of their anavar a day, and all of his has been white. was your bottle sealed when you received it? go back and ask your source wtf is up w/ the green caps! and anavar isnt going to effect your wedding tackle in 2 days
mine are white caps, and i think it's starting to work now, i think i was just feeling weird cuz of first day conversion bs in the system... i'll post how the results are... weird though, my sex drive extremely high, and from what i hear anavar isn't known for that...
DOn't know about anyone else here, but i've run ANavar a few times and never have I felt something on day 2!!! It's in your head bro
maybe it is in my head, but indeed today was one of the best workouts regarding pump and solid lifting i've ever had! i'm useing dymatize expand too, and they say anavar with creatine products kill! i'm also on muscle prime... i'm very sensitive to things, like i have to start with a table spoon of N.o. explode when i first buy it, so i can usualy sense my body and changes with in it very drastically... either Atlas anavar is very potent or it's something else altogether thats feeling good regardless... it is day 4 now, and i'm only using 20mls every 10hours or so, before workouts mainly, i may jump up to 30mls... maybe i won't use a pct, this could be a perfect steroid if used right no? anyway , i might as well keep posting my progress!
threw up the 100lb dumbs like a baby in a sandbox, don't know what that means but, i'm getting strong as shit... i'm not lossing any water though, i don't know if i'm on fucking d-bol or fucking anavar? i'm getting kinda bigger and seeing some good vascularity, also not feeling like eating much after i take the shit, but still looking full of water a bit... regardless, i'm turning into an animal!