Anavar versus SARMs (which one is better in your opinion)


I am banned!
Which one do you feel is better? I have heard relatively same things about them. Anavar seems to have more sides and it's harder on your natural test. Also I think I made this same thread earlier but it got deleted or moved -- not sure which?
Are you asking in regard to women?

And are you asking again if they are both run in isolation or combined with other compounds?
I've had 3 runs of ostarine in the past and heres my experience....ran 12.5mg my first cycle and 20mg the next. (3rd time was during pct so it was solely to maintain gains) I found 20 mg to be the sweet spot. Gained 4 lbs of very lean muscle on first and 7lbs of very lean muscle the second time. I was eager to do it and neglected to get baseline bloodwork so I can't say for sure it it was supressive. I would say that it IS. Blood work showed my test at 419 (250-1100) which is LOW for a 21 year old. This was 2 weeks after stopping osta. My free test was 120ish which is normal. My second test was three months after the cycle and my total Testosterone was the same but my free test went down to 80 and i felt like crap. Second time around I ran a low dose nolva pct and felt slightly better. Conclusion: I believe osta is supressive but lowers shbg along with total T keeping your free T levels in range. Once you come off, your shbg normalizes but your total T is still low so you feel like crap for a while with low free T levels. Still a better scenario then running var alone lol.
Are you asking in regard to women?

And are you asking again if they are both run in isolation or combined with other compounds?

I'm asking for myself (a male), and I'm talking about in isolation. But also wondering if PCT needs to be done after SARMs.

I thought I'd already anwsered this... But anyways.

SARMs will be the better choice for you. Doing any steroids at your age is risky, let alone a var only cycle. I can't say which one would yeild more muscle growth... Probably about the same, but you'll keep more of your gains from SARMs since you won't have to go through the peroid of low test after the cycle. Not to mention SARMs are much safer... Not hepatoxic, not gonna shut you down, less side effects.. Etc.

Also I'd suggest going to if you choose to go that route :)

Where did you answer it?

I've had 3 runs of ostarine in the past and heres my experience....ran 12.5mg my first cycle and 20mg the next. (3rd time was during pct so it was solely to maintain gains) I found 20 mg to be the sweet spot. Gained 4 lbs of very lean muscle on first and 7lbs of very lean muscle the second time. I was eager to do it and neglected to get baseline bloodwork so I can't say for sure it it was supressive. I would say that it IS. Blood work showed my test at 419 (250-1100) which is LOW for a 21 year old. This was 2 weeks after stopping osta. My free test was 120ish which is normal. My second test was three months after the cycle and my total Testosterone was the same but my free test went down to 80 and i felt like crap. Second time around I ran a low dose nolva pct and felt slightly better. Conclusion: I believe osta is supressive but lowers shbg along with total T keeping your free T levels in range. Once you come off, your shbg normalizes but your total T is still low so you feel like crap for a while with low free T levels. Still a better scenario then running var alone lol.

Do you think that a higher dose of Clomid and/or Nolva can prevent you from shutting down after??
I think a high dose would be overkill. Low dose serm would probably do it. Some even recommend just using OTC supps like daa and tribulus.
I think a high dose would be overkill. Low dose serm would probably do it. Some even recommend just using OTC supps like daa and tribulus.

I'm not talking about using SARMs in the PCT I'm talking about running SARM by itself and then a PCT of clomind/nolva after.

We have talked previously a out why running anavar by itself is a terrible idea for a male.

I understand that, but I see people posting on here all the time about var only or var with proviron and how great it was. I think if I decide SARM is too expensive I might just go with var, try it out for myself and see.
I'm not talking about using SARMs in the PCT I'm talking about running SARM by itself and then a PCT of clomind/nolva after.

I know I said SERM not SARM. Clomid and nolva are SERMS (selective estrogen receptor modulators). A low dose SERM would more than enough for a pct for SARMS IMO
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Where did you answer it?

Do you think that a higher dose of Clomid and/or Nolva can prevent you from shutting down after??

Somewhere in the plethora of information myself and others have provided to you. Should be pretty easy to figure out which one is the smarter idea.

When you cycle ANYTHING suppressive you run a risk of damaging your test levels... There is always gonna be some risk. That risk gets higher when you're your age, and higher with more suppression. Light SERM use afterwards will reduce, but not eliminate that risk.

You really shouldn't be cycling anything at all, the only reason I suggested SARMs to you is because your like everyone else at your age - hell bent on running something and not gonna change your mind. It will be a far better choice to use a SARM rather than a steroid.
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Somewhere in the plethora of information myself and others have provided to you. Should be pretty easy to figure out which one is the smarter idea.

When you cycle ANYTHING suppressive you run a risk of damaging your test levels... There is always gonna be some risk. That risk gets higher when you're your age, and higher with more suppression. Light SERM use afterwards will reduce, but not eliminate that risk.

You really shouldn't be cycling anything at all, the only reason I suggested SARMs to you is because your like everyone else at your age - hell bent on running something and not gonna change your mind. It will be a far better choice to use a SARM rather than a steroid.

You're right. I was looking at the SARMssearch thread and I remembered our conversation. My only problem was I've seen the dude in the proviron + var thread post nice results and seen other people post negative issues with SARMs. I'm still accumulating information but right now I'm leaning towards a SARMs cycle.
Why not just do a proper test cycle with an oral and not half ass it if you're gonna get shut down anyway. Ostarine shut me down hard and got me a TRT prescription. Why use something that may have unpredictable sides further down the road? It hasn't been researched enough. And it's ineffective waste of time.
I know I said SERM not SARM. Clomid and nolva are SERMS (selective estrogen receptor modulators). A low dose SERM would more than enough for a pct for SARMS IMO

You're right. I was looking at the SARMssearch thread and I remembered our conversation. My only problem was I've seen the dude in the proviron + var thread post nice results and seen other people post negative issues with SARMs. I'm still accumulating information but right now I'm leaning towards a SARMs cycle.

YeH, it is possible to get good gains from a cycle with no test base, its just incredibly unhealthy. Not to mention you usually lose more gains due to the longer peroid of low test following the cycle. Your gonna find positive and negative reviews on every and any PED you research.. Everyone is differenf afterall :)
If you inject with test, is that not suppressive?

Yes. We have discussed this with you. If you take something that suppresses testosterone, you need to replace that testosterone while it is suppressed. So for example, if you take anavar your testosterone will be suppressed. However anavar does not replace the testosterone you are no longer producing naturally.

Does that make sense to you? Do you get that humans require testosterone to be healthy?
Yes. We have discussed this with you. If you take something that suppresses testosterone, you need to replace that testosterone while it is suppressed. So for example, if you take anavar your testosterone will be suppressed. However anavar does not replace the testosterone you are no longer producing naturally.

Does that make sense to you? Do you get that humans require testosterone to be healthy?

I know, but I've heard that types of SARMs like S-4 are not nearly as suppressive. Do you think it would be a good idea to take something like proviron while on the cycle to boost your natty test? Or take clomid and that other shiz and use it during your cycle instead of for PCT?
I know, but I've heard that types of SARMs like S-4 are not nearly as suppressive. Do you think it would be a good idea to take something like proviron while on the cycle to boost your natty test? Or take clomid and that other shiz and use it during your cycle instead of for PCT?

I think you need to go back and re-read the sticky threads. You are getting confused. For example, taking clomid and other "shiz" during your cycle... Do some reading about the HPTA.
I know, it’s years late to bump this thread. But I have to. I do not think it is a good idea to tell kids to run test or a test base. Yes, test is best. But that is best for gains and sides . It’s not best for suppression. If you run test or a test base, you will be completely shut down and may never recover. Especially after 12 weeks. A single oral, var or a SARM will never shut you down as badly as 12 weeks of test. Maybe at high doses for 12 weeks, but not at normal 6 weeks on and 4 weeks PCT. it’s just wrong to tell kids they are more likely to recover from a quarter of a year on test than from SARMS or Var. More likely than not, people saying SARMs don’t work are already shut down in T and also in the AR’s, because a SARM only works with endogenous test. If the goal is adding a plate or losing some fat, I don’t think a quarter year of injectable test that you may never recover from is the best option.

This is especially true when even the PCT is likely to cause shut down and suppression if it is overdosed or lasts too long. I see too many posts where guys are on all year, but don’t consider dropping clomid to make there T in the normal range. These ain’t the people to take advice from.

I’m not knocking anyone for taking anything, I just don’t want to see kids taking things and then going on TRT before they hit 30.
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