Andromass compared to mdrol

Not to justify the use of SD, as I doubt I'll ever take it again due to how it made me feel, but I think those people ending up in the hospital are the ones that give PH's a bad name and cause bans. Leave it to the uneducated to screw things up for the people who know what they're doing.
A guy I work with ran a Trenadrol cycle with me once, for 8 weeks, yet no matter how much info I gave him on the stuff and how much I begged him to get support supps and pct, he ran ZERO supports, got completely shut down, and lost all his gains post cycle while using Testorex as his ONLY post cycle therapy (pct). I even had tried to GIVE him some liquid clomid I had but he refused.

See it's idiots like that who ruin it.
You're probably right for the most part. I do know of a few responsible well educated and experienced people who ended up in dire straits from SD. I myself have bloods that attest to some quite scary indications as far as lipids.
Man its details like the one you mentioned Ryan that scares me away from using my superdrone. I always get tempted and plan on using it and then I hear more stories. I dont think im okay with taking that gamble anymore and probably just sell the rest of it.
Man its details like the one you mentioned Ryan that scares me away from using my superdrone. I always get tempted and plan on using it and then I hear more stories. I dont think im okay with taking that gamble anymore and probably just sell the rest of it.

Honestly you don't need it imo. With hard work and dedication to diet and training our AnsdroSeries will work great.
Honestly you don't need it imo. With hard work and dedication to diet and training our AnsdroSeries will work great.

Yeah the Androseries is a lovely gift from the Anabolic gods and should be used. The lure of quick and massive gains with sdrol is tempting.. but thank goodness for new alternatives.
Yeah the Androseries is a lovely gift from the Anabolic gods and should be used. The lure of quick and massive gains with sdrol is tempting.. but thank goodness for new alternatives.

BB'ing or strength training is a lifestyle, why not use something that works with it, slow and steady keep-able gains.
BB'ing or strength training is a lifestyle, why not use something that works with it, slow and steady keep-able gains.

Nice. Its not the hare that wins the race its the tortoise. Slow and steady is a mature and excellent strategy.
I think one of the good points that dont get mentioned enough about Andromass is that there is now just one more choice for a strong compound instead of just methylated this and methylated that.. I know im speaking too soon as Andromass hasnt establised itself yet, but soon enough we'll find out.

Have any of the logs of AM been going long enough to show results? If so could you post a link of where to read them?