Anger Issues!

When I bumped my test up at the end of my cycle. I had a day where I was just seething with anger.
It was a pretty intense day, I've never been so angry at nothing and everything in my life.
I noticed I have been more edgy on AAS. I know it's not psychological. Then again, I'm either on tren, dbol, or drol most often when on cycle.
only thing AAS does for me is make me alpha as fuck :p nor longer do i let people try talking down to me or keep quiet in situations but also remember i've been living with really low test levels like at late 20 i got test lvls checked and itcame back at 159 ng/dl
Does wanting to bang everything that moves count as being aggressive? I subscribe to the same beliefs that many above have in that AAS only amplifies who you are off cycle. If you're an angry bastard off cycle, you're a mega angry bastard on cycle. If anything, I feel more happy and focused while blasting, but I'm pretty chill off.
Just because your intelligent and successful doesn't mean your not an asshole. Shit you only have like 10 posts and im already annoyed by you. If you are successful then you must have a decent degree of self discipline. Try using some of that to control your emotions...