Another cycle question...


New member

fit but not ripped.
workout 4 times a week



I can afford real HGH so I was looking at doing 2-3iu a day 7 days a week. I tried some blue tops from PSL and actually look worse and feel tired all the time. I've gotten all the bad side effects with nothing on the positive end. I wanted to do HGH because I liked the idea of keeping gains and being ripped. Ive never done AAS because most the people ive seen on it just look bloated and not what I personally want. I also hate that with the research ive done its all conflicting and only leaves me more confused. One sec i hear HGH gets you ripped and then next post says it gives you a turtle shell gut. I can afford to get real HGH but I dont want to take it if its not gonna get me to my goal. I've also thought about doing a low dose of tes but I dont know what would be best for what im trying to achieve. Im not worried about overnight quick size, id rather gradually get to my goal and be able to have it stay around. Thoughts?
Why not a plain vanilla testosterone cycle? Why not go with the tried and true? There are ways of avoiding the bloated look.
for gh to assist in achieving the results u desire (20lbs of lean mass), you're gonna have to run 5x the dosage you are planning (so 10iu+), along with other gear, a solid diet and intense training.

over a 2 year period adding the desired mass while reducing bf% could be possible ;)

...but if you're looking for a short-cut, candy coated route to take... there isn't one
Why not a plain vanilla testosterone cycle? Why not go with the tried and true? There are ways of avoiding the bloated look.

Could you elaborate? I've seen some cycles on naps called "beginners bulk cycle" but I dont know how effective that is in my own goals.....

Items included: 2 x GP Test Cyp 250, 2 x GP Methan10, 2 x GP Anastrozole

Cycle Length and layout:
Length 10 weeks
Weeks 1-4 GP Methan10 40 mg per day
Weeks 1-10 500mg GP Test Cyp per week
Weeks 1-10 GP Anastrozole .5 mg per day (continue to run this for 10 days after cycle)

This is a basic testosterone cycle with an oral kickstart, and an estrogen blocker ran throughout to prevent excess bloat and gyno symptoms. Take 4 GP Methan 10 about an hour before your weight training session starting on day 1, and continue this for 4 weeks. Take 1ml of GP Test Cyp 250 on day 1, and another 1ml injection 2-3 days later and continue this for 10 weeks. Most people find it easiest to stick to a same day dosing schedule for injections. (Example: Sun & Wed or Mon & Thur). Take half of a GP Anastrozole starting on day 1 and continue throughout the entire duration of the cycle, and for 10 days following to suppress any estrogen that may result from the lingering testosterone.
for gh to assist in achieving the results u desire (20lbs of lean mass), you're gonna have to run 5x the dosage you are planning (so 10iu+), along with other gear, a solid diet and intense training.

over a 2 year period adding the desired mass while reducing bf% could be possible ;)

...but if you're looking for a short-cut, candy coated route to take... there isn't one

So 10 units of real hgh 7 days a week for 2 years!? I havent heard using that much except with generics and thats to compensate for there lack of potency.
Could you elaborate? I've seen some cycles on naps called "beginners bulk cycle" but I dont know how effective that is in my own goals.....

Items included: 2 x GP Test Cyp 250, 2 x GP Methan10, 2 x GP Anastrozole

Cycle Length and layout:
Length 10 weeks
Weeks 1-4 GP Methan10 40 mg per day
Weeks 1-10 500mg GP Test Cyp per week
Weeks 1-10 GP Anastrozole .5 mg per day (continue to run this for 10 days after cycle)

This is a basic testosterone cycle with an oral kickstart, and an estrogen blocker ran throughout to prevent excess bloat and gyno symptoms. Take 4 GP Methan 10 about an hour before your weight training session starting on day 1, and continue this for 4 weeks. Take 1ml of GP Test Cyp 250 on day 1, and another 1ml injection 2-3 days later and continue this for 10 weeks. Most people find it easiest to stick to a same day dosing schedule for injections. (Example: Sun & Wed or Mon & Thur). Take half of a GP Anastrozole starting on day 1 and continue throughout the entire duration of the cycle, and for 10 days following to suppress any estrogen that may result from the lingering testosterone.

Simple is best for your first cycle. Just testosterone and an AI. You do not have to worry about hCG (unless you are already using it on TRT) or PCT.

Why don't you try giving all the sticky threads on putting a cycle together a read?
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for gh to assist in achieving the results u desire (20lbs of lean mass), you're gonna have to run 5x the dosage you are planning (so 10iu+), along with other gear, a solid diet and intense training.

over a 2 year period adding the desired mass while reducing bf% could be possible ;)

...but if you're looking for a short-cut, candy coated route to take... there isn't one

So that is about... 2000+ bucks a month on HGH? hehe...
So 10 units of real hgh 7 days a week for 2 years!? I havent heard using that much except with generics and thats to compensate for there lack of potency.

well just to let you in on a secret that's not so secret ... nearly all GH, I'm mean "all" comes from one of 3 manufacturers of raw GH in China, yes China... even the so-called "real" GH you speak of

and 10iu, still only half of what a competitive bodybuilder runs year-round... GH does work, and does do a good job at achieving the results you desire, but not at 2iu per day and not on it's own
So are you implying that all hgh is of the same potency? So pfizer is just as good as blue tops? My concern is not where its manufactured but more so its potency (effectiveness) and its lack of impurities (safety). Also im not interested in looking like a pro bodybuilder but more of a leaner 20lbs heavier version of myself that sticks around with proper diet and exercise. Based on your knowledge what is an adequate iu daily intake and what additions are you referring to? Re-reading this it can be taking as being a smartass...not meant that way just looking to further educate myself. Thanks!
So are you implying that all hgh is of the same potency? So pfizer is just as good as blue tops? My concern is not where its manufactured but more so its potency (effectiveness) and its lack of impurities (safety). Also im not interested in looking like a pro bodybuilder but more of a leaner 20lbs heavier version of myself that sticks around with proper diet and exercise. Based on your knowledge what is an adequate iu daily intake and what additions are you referring to? Re-reading this it can be taking as being a smartass...not meant that way just looking to further educate myself. Thanks!

my simple answer... adding 20lbs of lean body mass while reducing your body fat % can be done, but it takes time... I said 2 years as a rough idea, could take longer, but I doubt it will be done sooner. GH can help, but if it's being taken for the purpose of adding lean body mass, under 10iu per day is not economical. You would be better off running cycles of test/tren, test/primo even, and improve the quality of your physique over time.

one more thing about GH... not sure how long you ran it in the past, but minimum 6 months to get any noticeable effect, it's a commitment for years, not months