well a couple of weeks i contacted 3J about getting a diet written up and he has delivered with the goods so far
Anyone who is considering shouldnt think twice about taking him on !
I have stuck to his diet relatively well other then couple of hickups but hey i dont expect to be perfect 100% of the time as thats a tad unrealistic , but same time do excpect to be very very good with out otherwise ill be wasting my time .
We are doing a carb cycling diet while im on 500mg test-e cycle.
I Will post photos along the way of how im going and attached photos of how ive gone so far.
12th feb
27 feb

I have stuck to his diet relatively well other then couple of hickups but hey i dont expect to be perfect 100% of the time as thats a tad unrealistic , but same time do excpect to be very very good with out otherwise ill be wasting my time .
We are doing a carb cycling diet while im on 500mg test-e cycle.
I Will post photos along the way of how im going and attached photos of how ive gone so far.
12th feb


27 feb