Another Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) Question...sorry guys.


New member
Another HCG Question...sorry guys.

Ok, So, this last cycle was a bust for me, lost alot of gains, and everyone says "should have ran HCG". However, I hear it can be counter productive if dosed incorrectly, or taken to long ect.

My next cycle will be Test E and Tren E, I usually start post cycle therapy (pct) consisting of Nolva 2 weeks after last injection. Also, ran an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) throughout my last cycle.

WHEN would you guys recommend I START AND STOP the HCG?
U can run it through whole cycle at 500ius a wk. Then blast it 4 10 days starting the day after ur last test shot 500ius a day 4 10 days then wait 4 days n start ur serms