Doing great with my training days. I'll get home and lay around for a bit, but always have that urge to run out the door come 3-4 o clock. Tonight for example.. girl was like "I'm getting tired, I think I'm going to go to sleep now. (4 a.m.)" I replied, "Okay! I'm going to finish my tea and head out to the gym". She scoffs, I smile, tell her I love her and I'll see her tomorrow morning
Killed it though, just as before. The progressively loading weight across the days instead of across sets in one workout is working quite well.
As an example : Workout Day 1 Tuesday, Bent Over SH DB Rows : 2s x 15r (25lb DB)
Workout Day 2 Thursday, Bent Over SH DB Rows : 2s x 15r (30lb DB)
Workout Day 3 Sunday, Bent Over SH DB Rows : 2 x 15 (30lb DB)
Workout Day 4 Tuesday, Bent Over SH DB Rows : 2 x 15 (35lb DB)
By workout 6, I should be very close, if not, dead on using the weight I fail with at 15 reps. Based on my performance with each weight.. I'd say it's getting me there at a very respectable pace.
If we're speaking in terms of size.. I'm definitely fuller everywhere, and everyday. It's noticeable after 4 workouts, very noticeable. Does that mean I put on even a single lb of muscle?.. Probably not yet, but it means every day I look great doing this type of routine, I'm not blown out and tired, and I'm ready to fuckin roll every day for the gym.
I received a compliment today (from a lady who is not my girlfriend) about how "insane" my shoulders looked. They're very beefy, she said after I explained "this is only 4 workouts, it's awesome!"
I want envious legs however! I really appreciated the compliment and all, especially from her.. but shoulders have always been my standout. In a shirt, they are the easiest things to make you "seem" larger than you are! And that's just cheating
Legs though.. not everyone has a great set of those. It's becoming more clear how severly important they are to overall proportion and even stability. Squatting everyday is new for me. But I do like it so far. First thing I do when I get in the gym now! Oh yeah...
Nutrition was so-so today and yesterday. No carbs still, which is insanely important in this first few weeks of Keto.. so I didn't blow that! But, I didn't eat all the foods I should have been eating either.
I ate my nuts

D).. I ate vegetables, some turkey (not 50g x 3 meals), oil, peanut butter, whey isolate, casein.. And it was just mix matched..
Like the one day, I didn't prepare protein before work!! So I packed whey, nuts, brocolli, extra sharp cheese (extra laying around), and peanut butter..
The second day, I packed Turkey Breast. A big chunk of a turkey.. but I forgot vegetables, but, I still packed nuts with that one.. ? I cleaned everything up with food at home afterward.. but it's just not precise enough for me to be happy yet!
Was just all fudged up! Tomorrow will be better with that. Have a plan of action. Ready to roll.
Tren 100mg EOD, S4 50mg 2xED, 250mg Test E
All doing well, haven't missed a single dose of my S4 or Tren. Sometimes I'll get caught up and have to pin my test later on Day 1, or early the day after Day 2 of each week.. but I don't miss anything else and Test missing half a day is nothing I truly worry about
I'll have to find this PubMed study, but I was reading up on some trials they did with S4.. the increases in Bone Mineral Density were astounding actually. Like to an extent they were considering use of it to help combat Osteoporosis in women. I think it could greatly aid those at risk for fractures, who are also looking for an "edge" in their sport (Crossfit, Powerlifting, Olympic Lifting)
Here's a study I could find real quick :
Structural modifications of aryl propionamide analogs bicalutamide and hydroxyflutamide led to the discovery of the first generation of SARMs. Compounds S1 and S4 in this series bind AR with high affinity, and demonstrate tissue selectivity in the Hershberger assay that utilizes castrated rat model (35***8211;37). In this castrated rat model, both S1 and S4 prevented castration induced atrophy of levator ani muscle, and acted as weak agonists in the prostate (35, 37, 38). At a dose of 3 mg/kg/day, S4 partially restored the prostate weight to < 20% of intact, but fully restored the levator ani weight, skeletal muscle strength, bone mineral density, bone strength, and lean body mass, and suppressed LH and FSH (39, 40). S4 also prevented ovariectomy-induced bone loss in female rat model of osteoporosis (41). The ability of SARMs to promote both muscle strength and bone mechanical strength constitutes a unique advantage over other therapies for osteoporosis that only increase bone density.
Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMs) as Function Promoting Therapies
So, it has a much larger profile of advantages than I even remembered reading about. The BMD increase holds true, but along with a few other pretty awesome things too. It may be weak in comparison to that of Tren in it's AAS related effects.. but it does have it's pros. Some I didn't really know about until after administration, good things it's a "research chemical"
Thanks to SarmsSearch again for letting me try this chemical, it is an acquired taste though I will say!
Thanks for reading... it's nearly 8 a.m. Tomorrow is going to be awesome!........ Good night!