ANY CANADIANS OUT THERE need help!!!!!!!!!!!


New member
Is there a site dedicated to Canadians everyone here is very helpful I can"t belive how much help I have gotten:yesway:
We have a large Canadian community here bro, no need to go to another site.

Going to a little site that is mainly just Canadians sort of closes you out to so many other topics and such that you only find on a big board like ology.
We have a large Canadian community here bro, no need to go to another site.

Going to a little site that is mainly just Canadians sort of closes you out to so many other topics and such that you only find on a big board like ology.

ok thank you I don't have full acesse to the site yet but everyone here has been a big help.
This site is #1 because of the info sharing the admins allow between the members! go try to discuss brands not sold on a board over at the other two big boards and watch what happens.

They are basically sterile in the information they can share.

how about posted blood work on hgh or aas? here you can openly post it, share it and discuss it.

Try that on the others, just sayin

For real information Ology > the other two big boards combined
Lots of Canucks here on Ology and none of the bias you see on other forums makes this a great place to hang out!

Oh yeah I'm Canadian as well :D
I'm Canadian and kind of in a bind. Already have some gear, hgh, mast and anavar. Are these all reasonably compatible with each other? My "buddy"got it all for me, right before he took my last order and disappeared with 5 bones.... Oh we'll live and learn. But now I'm also stuck with no idea how to even approach labs or even get in touch with them. I really had no idea that this was as secretive as it is. Any advise would be GREATLY appreciated
I'm Canadian and kind of in a bind. Already have some gear, hgh, mast and anavar. Are these all reasonably compatible with each other? My "buddy"got it all for me, right before he took my last order and disappeared with 5 bones.... Oh we'll live and learn. But now I'm also stuck with no idea how to even approach labs or even get in touch with them. I really had no idea that this was as secretive as it is. Any advise would be GREATLY appreciated

Stick around and get to know people on here and things will open up for you, it is so secret because labs require a certain amount of knowledge about someone before dealing with them.
Canadian here too and I like these boards. The community seems much more mature than other places & there's plenty of Canada-oriented discussion.

While looking around at other places, there's a lot of cultish activity....
- mods banning members simply for having a different opinion (no flaming, name-calling etc. even needed)
- mods saying "x lab is junk" without ever having tried it
- every single person with more than 500 posts is a company rep and just goes around saying "x is the best!!" (granted this place has a couple, just not as bad)
- "pct isn't important"
- tons of brutal vulgarity completely un-provoked (it really reinforces the typical "roid rage" and "dumb juicer" stereotypes)
These types of things are pretty big flags to me. Many places just seem like walking billboards.

The only issue I have with 'ology is the lack of official homebrew section/discussion. I mean there's still the "chemical study" portion but it's a bit misleading & not really the same as outright "homebrew."
Perhaps some staff-written tutorials/stickies would help get the discussion flowing a bit more. In general, I don't think forums should rely on the community for content.
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There's some good brew info on here too. Check out some of the older posts or search "recipes"
here here :) girl in Canada ....there are lots of us here! :) Although I wish there were more posts on home brewing and a larger "girl" community since I play in the boy forums mostly :p ... love having cook days! plus I think the main issue is that us canadians usually find stuff in the US and not so much here is canada... seems to be a tough to find local sources... not sure why :(