any inputs on Uniquemicals

My experience and feedback about Unique Osta:
1st cycle: 12,5mg/day for 3 weeks and 15mg for the 2 following weeks.
Nothing to say. No positive or negative side effects
Diet: Ultimate Diet 2 from lyle Macdonalds

2nd cycle:25mg/day for 6 weeks
Diet: keto

Nothing at all :(((
I'm maybe Osta resistant

I took the product under my tongue during few minutes before swolling it
I' m from Australia, order arrives within a week on both the orders I've made so far. Coming towards the end of 1st bottle of ostarine (@25mls/day) and results have continued throughout. Putting on muscle/strength and continuing to lose body fat! Can't more highly recommend uniquemicals! Will be reinvesting in another cycle without doubt!