any of you smoke???

do you guys think it is possible to smoke and drink every day and not be addicted to them. i can quit and never have a craving at all. i smoke because i like to, and i drink cause i like to. but it has been three weeks and absoulty no cravings what so ever. is it possible that i can't be come chem. addicted. same way with the sauce..
I find that I can put it down too
There were several times over the period in which I smoked that I put them down and never really needed them except if I was drinking. I'd pick them up for no apparent reason but I can't see me ever picking it up again. 50% of all bladder cancer is from smoking. My Dad is fighting that right now after smoking like a chimney for 30 years.
I quit smoking for 13 years, then while drinking tequilla in Mexico picked up the habit again. Smoked for 4-5 years then quick 01/01/06 and so far so good.

I don't know what impact it had on my weight. But since quitting I don't have to rest as long and sit down between sets of squats. It really helps your gpp.
I smoke. But I started at age 28. So it didn't affect all the gains i had before, lol.
bmass said:
yes it effects your gains because i talked to a dietist and he showed me a study that nicotine raises your metabolisam and you need 20% more calories then nonsmokers so for a hardgainer(and 90%of us are hardgainers)its not good at all.
But its not just that its the health risks i saw on tv yeasterday that a studty on 8000 smokers made since 1978 showed that smoking is more dangerous then even the doctor thought ,75% of the smokers got some lungproblems that were fatal in 20% of cases it was not cancer but some other condition.
But correct me if im wrong when you smoke a cigar you dont inhale the smoke?

Nope you don't inhale it.

Supposedly a very high number of top level BB'ers in Europe (and other places) smoke, even though they know the risks associated. Word on the street is that Markus Rhul smokes as well....I guess it's just part of the culture?
Thoms said:
I smoke. But I started at age 28. So it didn't affect all the gains i had before, lol.

why start smoking at 28? I understand when your 16 and wanna be cool, but 28? Had you never touched a cigarette before?
outlawtas2 said:
why start smoking at 28? I understand when your 16 and wanna be cool, but 28? Had you never touched a cigarette before?

Never. I started out of misery. And no not with cigarettes.
Back on topic, it hinders my appetite, lowers insuline response an lowers my immune system. Yes it affects gains.
well, im gonna try and hang it up tonight, when the wife comes home tomorrow and lights up, im gonna tell her to take her ass outside and smoke. i need all the help i can get putting on weight
cryptkeeper said:
well, im gonna try and hang it up tonight, when the wife comes home tomorrow and lights up, im gonna tell her to take her ass outside and smoke. i need all the help i can get putting on weight

Great decision.
cryptkeeper said:
well, im gonna try and hang it up tonight, when the wife comes home tomorrow and lights up, im gonna tell her to take her ass outside and smoke. i need all the help i can get putting on weight

You let her smoke IN the house?
Holy shit you gotta be kidding. I didn't even do that when I DID smoke.
I don't know how you do it.
yeah let us know....and what would be the best product to use to help you quit...besides willpower....
sean usmc said:
yeah let us know....and what would be the best product to use to help you quit...besides willpower....
im gonna use food as a replacement. when i see better gains, that will be my aid.
went all day without a smoke
I think I've smoked less then two full cigarettes in my entire life. My blood pressure is high enough without adding yet another contributor to the pile.