Any risks of having Low "good" cholet. levels? "bad" cholst. also low


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Any risks of having Low "good" cholet. levels? "bad" cholst. also low

When I had blood work done, I had very very low cholesterol levels- both hdl and ldl. I assume this is may be related to letrozole, nolva, and Winstrol (winny) usage primarily.

The doc. said since both levels were low overall, ...not low "good" and high "bad" cholesterol levels it's not too serious to be concerned. ..My bp was normal, I'm not overweight nor did I have any other risks...Liver enzymes were a bit elevated, and I had a high BUN reading.

Is there any reason for concern/risks of having a low "good" cholsest. level, even if no other risk factors are present?
Actually according my doctor, low HDL levels (the 'good' cholsterol) are a separate risk factor over and above a high total cholesterol. Even though my overall level was very good, he put me on niacin to bring up my HDL.
Maetenloch said:
Actually according my doctor, low HDL levels (the 'good' cholsterol) are a separate risk factor over and above a high total cholesterol. Even though my overall level was very good, he put me on niacin to bring up my HDL.
yep try flush free niacin in the 1000-1500 mg a day range to help raise hdl .
What your doctor is probably referring to, is that with both HDL & LDL being low......the ratio of HDL to LDL is not a concern, where a high ratio is something you need to concern yourself with.
Low HDL, even though your ratio is still good, is indicative of problems. I'd say not enough nolva and/or too much letro is your problem. I'd also use policosanol to increase, easy and effective
My research of policosanol shows it will decrease Total chol and LDL but not raise HDL.

Are there any liver worries with inositol(flush free niacin)?