Any suggestion for my first cycle

Xavier Kang

New member
I'm 25-year-old steroid newb and planning to start my first cycle soon.
I'm 155lbs 5.67ft and have been training for 5 years.

The dealer I'm going to purchase drugs suggested a cycle with dianabol/decanoate/enanthate and I wonder if it is right one.

dbol enanthate deca
1st wk 50mg 0.5ml 0.5ml
2nd 50mg 0.5ml 0.5ml
3rd 50mg 1ml 1ml
4th 1ml 1ml
5th 1ml 1ml
6th 2ml 2ml
7th 1ml 1ml
8th 50mg 1ml 1ml
9th 50mg 0.5ml 0.5ml
10th 50mg 0.5ml 0.5ml

and PCT with / norvadex

Is it suitable for me?

and where can I get the information that can teach me how to set my own cycle?
This is not a recommended , maybe it was ok cycle 10 years ago.
Nandrolone Decanoate is a very long ester product , means effects start to come very slowly so 10 weeks is not enough
Pyramid dosage cycles proven to be useless , 0.5 ml Deca means 100 mg , you will not get any effect from this , same also valid for Test Enanthate
3 steroids is too much for first steroid cycle , generally Testosterone by itself is enough and recommended
50 mg Dianabol is too much for you , when you compare mg to mg Dianabol is more powerful than Oxymethelone , so you will bloat like a watermelon and many gains will only be water and fat
To sum all up,
You need a new plan , i will not trust a dealer who can offer a nonlogical cycle like that, you didnt mention which brand steroids you will use , never forget 60-70 % of all steroids which are sold and used are fake , this is not my idea , its reality.
Thank you for your reply.
Then where can I get the 'right' information and genuine drugs?
I'm not in the States and living in Asia.
My dealer said that the meds are from meditech corp.
Should I not use those drugs that I've bought?
Althought the combination deca-test-dbol is a classic and gives nice results (know guys that gained 10-15 kilos) it is not the best idea for the first cycle, because in your future cycles your dosages should only grow and on first cycles you need to check each preparat effect on your organism. Different people react different on preps.

I agree with DR.Phoenix, dealers are interested to sell 3 preps at one time, because 1-2 of them can be fake and the best first cycle as to me is dbol/tbol 30-50 mg only
Using the stuff which you already bought can only be decided by you unfortunately because nobody can say that the quality without testing this products...
If you didnt spend too much money maybe it can be good idea not to risk it...
Besides this everybody knows i use ONLY Optimum Pharma and i only recommend this brand , of course other people have their own favourites. Right now you cannot send PM , so please write me your total stats, body fat included and maybe some pictures. I can tell you which road you need to go as cycle wise . Of course its your choice to fallow that road or not
Thank you for the reply again Dr. Phoenix

My stat is like below
26 years old
173cm 70kg -> 5.67ft 154lbs
Bf 13.5%
work out experience 5 years

I haven't spent a lot of money on those drugs I've mentioned and I don't want to risk my health so I'm so ready to listen to your advice.
If there is any more information that you need to give me an advice please let me know.

And I want to use safe materials during my cycle but it is so hard to find the dealer who sells Optimumpharm stuffs..
I live in South Korea so do you know any way to buy the right drugs in foreign countries?

Thank you for reading this post again
Ok , if you read the sticky threads , right now you know most ideal first cycle is just injectable testosterone with with 500 mg range which is just 2 ml Test Enanthate . Injection will be 1 ml every monday and Thursday.
After this , you can do Test E plus Dianabol or Test Enanthate plus Deca or Test Enanthate plus Boldenone
I sent you a PM , check it please
Thank you Doc! I really appreciate your help.
I've checked your PM and tried to reply but somehow I cannot send one
have a great week!
Exemestand and Hcg during test only cycle

I've read the sticky threads in this forum and preparing for my first cycle with test enanthate.

I have hCG in stack but couldn't find exemestane so
Will it be Ok to proceed my first cycle only with hCG?

it will be 10wks cycle with
Test enanthate 250mg on Tues and Friday
HCG 500iU with testosterone injection

I have nolvadex so if hCG only is not ok
Is there any good way to replace exemestane with nolvadex?
as nolvadex is estrogen receptor blocker and exemestane is aromatase inhibitor I think they do similar function .. Is it right?
replacing exemestane with nolvadex/ about hCG

I'm planning to run my first cycle as below

- testosterone enanthate 250mg on Tuesday and Friday for 10 wks
- 250iu hCG on Tuesday and Friday for 10 wks

- nolvadex (?) or exemestane everyday for anti-estrogen effect

Will it be okay to replace exemestane with nolvadex? if it is ok then what about the dosage?
Will it be necessary to use hCG during the whole cycle? not only on pct?

what do you think about this cycle?
Exemestane is an AI. Tamoxifen is a SERM. One cannot be replaced with the other. They do entirely different things. This would be like replacing morphine with Modafinil.
Agreed. You MUST use an AI (Stane in your case). Nolvadex can be use as a preventative measure for gyno but thats about it. It wont do anything for lowering e2 or preventing Test from coverting into estrogen.
As far as the HCG goes. During the cycle is ok, better than ok actually. But, you do not want to run it during your PCT. Stop the HCG 3 days before you start your PCT.
at least you did some research and set up a good cycle.. and youre asking a question when you dont know..

i would start with .25mg adex eod and up it to .5mg eod if you need the need for it..

also, make sure to wait two weeks after you last pin to start pct and have clomid on hand for pct
Nolvadex (a SERM) and Exemestane or Arimidex (both AIs) do two different things. A SERM will prevent estrogen from binding to and activating estrogen receptors, it will do nothing to stop the conversion of Testosterone to estrogen. An AI binds to the aromatase enzyme to prevent the conversion of Testosterone to estrogen.

Nolvadex alone will not be suitable for you cycle. Although it will prevent you from getting gyno it will do nothing to prevent Testosterone from converting to estrogen which can cause many unwanted side effects aside from Gyno ie; Water retention (which can cause high blood pressure) unwanted changes in mood and sense of well being, and erectile dysfunction to name a few.

You MUST run an AI during your cycle to prevent unwanted side effect due to high e2. Aromasin and Arimidex are both suitable.

HCG has absolutely nothing to do with a SERM or an AI, it doesn't nothing of what either of those two things do. In fact it will actually raise your T levels, in turn possibly INCREASING aromatization. It IS necessary during a cycle (not during PCT though) to prevent testicular atrophy, making PCT much easier and giving you a much better change at a full recovery.
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