Anybody have experience w/ L-Glutathione injections??

A lot of people around here take it because it gives them whiter skin with high doses via injection though there may be some liver/kidney damage.

Almost every girl I know and a high percentage of guys take the pills (250 mg) if they can't afford the injections or are scared of cancer, even though the pills don't work because your body can't absorb them that way.
Why not just take NAC, it's the precursor to Glutathione and also a liver protective supplement.
Why not just take NAC, it's the precursor to Glutathione and also a liver protective supplement.

I have the option to take glutatione as part of my 'nutrition plan'. I have mild arthritis in my both my knees and heard that it may help, so i was wondering if anybody can attest to it joint healing ablities
Can't help you there unfortunately, but why not try it and gauge how you go. It may help, it may not.