Basal Metabolic Rate: 1848.33.
TDEE: moderate - 1848.33 x 1.55 = 2864.9
height 5ft 11.
bodyfat: 15%
weight: 75kg
i would like to bulk up, gain weight and alot of muscle.
i have never really been on a diet befor, but i try to eat the foods i have been told to eat
by my friends and gym members, i'll make a list of what i normally eat.
four days at work. (shift worker - 4 days on, 4 days off)
meal 1 (5am) - 2 peices of bacon, 2 eggs, 2 bits of toast.
meal 2 (9am) - half a chicken, 2 bits of bread / or leftover meat like sausages or steak or something.
meal 3 (1pm) - spaghetti bolognese
meal 4 (5:30pm) - protien shake
workout (7pm)
meal 5 (8:30 PM) - steak, sausages, potato / or chicken
four days off.
meal 1 - bacon and eggs, protien shake.
meal 2 - 2 chicken patties 2 bits of bread / chicken legs
meal 3 - protien shake
meal 4 mc donalds
days off are hard to keep track of my diet as i just eat whatever i want ahah, usually consist of
chicken, steak, mcdonalds, protien shakes, bacon and eggs. alot of junk, i have read up on your post
and seen that your sample diets are nothing like mine so i guess i will need to change mine up quiet a bit.
if you could help me get my diet together that would be insane and would help me out alot.
monday: chest/tris
friday: bis/tris
i try to keep to this workout schedual but its kind of hard sometimes been a shift worker,
some days i just wont go because i am exhausted from work as it gets very intense sometimes. alot of heavy work.
need help sorting out my diet befor i start a cycle :/
TDEE: moderate - 1848.33 x 1.55 = 2864.9
height 5ft 11.
bodyfat: 15%
weight: 75kg
i would like to bulk up, gain weight and alot of muscle.
i have never really been on a diet befor, but i try to eat the foods i have been told to eat
by my friends and gym members, i'll make a list of what i normally eat.
four days at work. (shift worker - 4 days on, 4 days off)
meal 1 (5am) - 2 peices of bacon, 2 eggs, 2 bits of toast.
meal 2 (9am) - half a chicken, 2 bits of bread / or leftover meat like sausages or steak or something.
meal 3 (1pm) - spaghetti bolognese
meal 4 (5:30pm) - protien shake
workout (7pm)
meal 5 (8:30 PM) - steak, sausages, potato / or chicken
four days off.
meal 1 - bacon and eggs, protien shake.
meal 2 - 2 chicken patties 2 bits of bread / chicken legs
meal 3 - protien shake
meal 4 mc donalds
days off are hard to keep track of my diet as i just eat whatever i want ahah, usually consist of
chicken, steak, mcdonalds, protien shakes, bacon and eggs. alot of junk, i have read up on your post
and seen that your sample diets are nothing like mine so i guess i will need to change mine up quiet a bit.
if you could help me get my diet together that would be insane and would help me out alot.
monday: chest/tris
friday: bis/tris
i try to keep to this workout schedual but its kind of hard sometimes been a shift worker,
some days i just wont go because i am exhausted from work as it gets very intense sometimes. alot of heavy work.
need help sorting out my diet befor i start a cycle :/