Anyone run ECA on bulk mode?


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Does anyone run ECA when bulking?

I use ECA while cutting. It works amazing for me. I'm a great responder. Great focus. Great energy. Appetite vanishes completely.

I ask this question (ECA on a bulk) because of the last one. When I'm not running ECA I find myself hungry as hell. I'm not on a cycle at the moment and it's easy for me to eat like a pig and get fat. I can keep it in check myself, but feel ECA would definitely help quell the appetite and give me a leg up.

I think you'd obviously have to eat a few hundred calories more (200-300?) to counter the thermo properties of ECA, but otherwise is this a reasonable idea as long as you do stim breaks from time to time ?
I had a bit extra on hand for my bulk cycle, did it for like a week 1/2 when I had test flue just to get a better breathing pattern. I never felt ECA ever did anything for me, during cutting or bulking phase other then making my cardio/workout sessions a bit better when it came to breathing.
it suppresses your appetite pretty bad.. so long as you can scarf the food down it should be fine.. but remember you have to eat even more due to the higher metabolism on eca
I am one of those weird freaks who can make a plan and stick to it. My eating is pretty damn routine and boring, but I found it always got the job done for me. I can force myself to eat without an appetite so scarfing down food is easy for me.

But without ECA.... man some days I can easily approach the 6000calorie mark no problem. That's not a good thing :( As I said, a few weeks back I tipped 8000 calories in a day. And the truth is I still felt like I could have kept going that night. (I'm a sucker for simple carbs if that helps explain things.)

It takes a lot for me to constrain myself on some days to keep it in the neighbourhood of 3000 calories.
Had another crazy weekend (long weekend, rather).

Saturday and Sunday I must have packed away somewhere in the region of 7000-8000 calories each day. Insanity :( I love food.
Don't mean to hijack but is there much difference if u only ran a EC stack instead of a ECA stack?
Don't mean to hijack but is there much difference if u only ran a EC stack instead of a ECA stack?

EC alone is pretty effective.

I use 81mg of baby aspirin once/day when I say "ECA". My dosing is 24mg ephedrine and 200mg caffeine 2 or 3 times a day, spaced typically 4-4.5 hours apart. When I started using ECA in the past I would throw in a regular strength (325mg) aspirin at each dosing. No need for that much.