anyone tried or heard of the following...?


New member
Mammoth DNA, Sasquatch DNA, Reaper DNA, or Silverback DNA by
they all are stacks of prohormones and sold as one capsule, just wondering if anyones tried stacks like these or heard of anyone using these.
interested and have SERM's on hand, thanks
Unless you've run each of these compounds present in the stack solo, I wouldn't recommend it. I've heard of mammoth and it contains cyanostane, epi, tren, and one other steroid along with some other shit as well. That sounds like quite the stack haha, but if you haven't run each of those before you won't know what is causing the sides you get from it. Reaper is composed of 5 steroids/PHs, and not at small doses at all... Don't be stupid that will demolish your liver to the fullest. Do not take 5 orals in 1 cycle. It will give ridiculous gains I'm sure, but so will killing 150mg D-bol a day... but idk anyone who's done that. Stick to single compounds first.

What's your PH experience?
If you're still new try running Havoc/Epi alone, try M-Sten, try Cyanostane, try D-Zine by LGI, and helladrol. All these have the potential of giving 10-20lbs gains asides from maybe cyanostane, which is the mildest of all of them.
Who exactly are the marketing these products to? I should start my own line of DS/PHs: "Cosmic Rays," "Gamma Bomb," "Radioactive Spider," etc.