ANyone use Orbit lately?

I finished a 12 week cycle of Orbit D-Bol, Test Cyp, and Deca in July. I was pleased with Orbit. I am planing my next cycle and looking at using Orbit TNT.

Does any one have any experience with Orbit TNT or long acting Fina for that matter?
I am using them right now.

Winny and cyp. Results have been OK so far considering I have been sick and my appetite suffered.
He's using Winstrol (winny) caps.
Orbit is really good. Last test only cycle ive ran with orbit gear, i got awesome gains (put on about 32-33lbs, and kept about 28-29 of it after the cycle was over.)

There is an awesome rave about the TNT, but IMO, youd be better off to get just the test and the tren and mix together...
For the price comparision, IMO, you are better off to buy the test enan and the tren enan seperately as the Tren Enan comes as:

10ml @ 200mg/ml

so for the price difference, you actually are better off to just get seperately and mix as u inject...