anyone use rack deads???


New member
i just started useing rack deads the other day and I kinda like them hit 315 x10 but i dont know if im executeing them correctly. i set up in the power rack and set the pins allitle below the knee about 9-10 in off the this the correct height or should i bring it higher feelin it in my back pretty good so maybe its fine/
I'm going to try these tonight with 600lbs. Hoping it gets me past 500 on regular DL's.
There are alot of people that like them better than regular dead. Let me know how it goes.
grafix-gnc said:
i do rack pulls every 3rd week or so, it does help with sticking point.

yep...i also use the rack for half squats to help on the sticking points and to get used to heavier weight...

don't use them, that is not the weak point in my dead. I also just never really like them. If i do a variation, i will do it off a three inch platform.
I do them every week after deadlifts. I like them about knee level, to a bit above the knee. When I'm doing them I'm really only trying to work my upper back.
GRAFIX-GNC : also bro if the sticking point is in the initial lift off from the floor and your stronger in the top so it gets easier as you move past the middle of the lift try doing them with 35lb plates ect. instead of 45lbs to be stronger in a lower position . this really helps to do it every once a month or so .
DEVILtrainer666 said:
GRAFIX-GNC : also bro if the sticking point is in the initial lift off from the floor and your stronger in the top so it gets easier as you move past the middle of the lift try doing them with 35lb plates ect. instead of 45lbs to be stronger in a lower position . this really helps to do it every once a month or so .

or use mats
I just tried rack deads and I must say that I was a little disappointed. I started with the bar at knee level, and I was expecting to be able to pull much more weight that way. My regular max is 605 but I only managed 675x5 on these. I tried 700 but the bar didn't even move one inch. Is that normal? I was hoping to pull about 720-750.
satch it is just a dead, but you set the bars on the power rack just under your knee, and do your reps from their.
its alot more convenient IMO to use this method. and i like deads on my back day so if i want a deep burn in my hamms i do hamms. thats the way i see it now. im enlightened.
I personally do not think there is a magic place to put it. It is different for everyone, put it where you need the most work IE: sticking point at knee's put it at knees, if its higher then put it higher.
xtinct said:
I just tried rack deads and I must say that I was a little disappointed. I started with the bar at knee level, and I was expecting to be able to pull much more weight that way. My regular max is 605 but I only managed 675x5 on these. I tried 700 but the bar didn't even move one inch. Is that normal? I was hoping to pull about 720-750.
i think you just set your expectations a little high is all . you will need more work till you can hit 750 is all , no biggy your there soon im sure . think about it . even if half reps out of a rack your still damn strong if pulled 675 for 5 , + thats 70 more than your 1 rep max so i dont think was a bad lift .
i do them, 5 inchs below knee, they work great for me and feel alot. more safer for my back then reguler deads.