Are All IFBB Pros Blasting N' Cruising?

No one is saying that they should admit illegal drug use - they just shouldn't be claiming natty.
The best approach would be to ignore the "natty or not" question completely, no one is forcing these fake pieces of shit to make posts/videos about how they're "natty" and its all "hardwork".

Also, why are they competing in natty comps?
Because they don't have what it takes to go against the guys who are taking the same drugs as them - punk ass bitches.

Righteous post.
Mike ohearn was guest posing at a natural competition in eastern canada a few weeks ago; that guy also pisses me off to no end.

Of course most of the natural competitors are anything but, however I feel bad for the few that still are and all the hopefuls out there that believe his lies about "train hard/eat right for 30 years and you'll look like me"

Ya he is a disgusting human being lol and Pianas on you tube saying he is Natural what a fucken mockery
I think what's worse is the not so obvious like Steve cook and other men's physique competitors. You look at Kali, o Hearn, etc and it's a little more obvious.
Ya he is a disgusting human being lol and Pianas on you tube saying he is Natural what a fucken mockery

Piana says he's natural? He looks like he has water balloons inside of his arms. Synthol or some other surgery going on there.
Piana says he's natural? He looks like he has water balloons inside of his arms. Synthol or some other surgery going on there.

I think 49'er meant Piana says O'hearn is natural. Piana openly admits to using all kinds of shit in many of his videos.
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Yeah that makes sense bro. Thanks for teaching me the truth about bodybuilding.
we have national guys at my gym that are on year round forever. thats pretty much abuse imo

I'm sure your opinion means a lot to them

They do what they need to do, the sport is nutrition, training, drugs, genetics and the money to ensure you're at the top of the game for the first three at least

If first place is running 5x + 3y 365 days/yr do you think 2nd and 3rd are just going to hope 2x + y 180 days/yr will suffice?
bodybuilding and men's physique? I'm planning to go the men's physique route like Steve cook, seid, etc. If so, can you get a trt prescription at any age?

I just happened to ask every IFBB pro this question, and everyone is on year-round but Jeff Seid. He's natty, but eats the hell out of ramen and celltech. ;)
Always on, Thats why i want to spit on Pianas face for acting like he comes off. Guys that are on that level that say the pct are lying. I dont understand the reason behind wanting people to think they cycle on and off

Piana is full of shit. Prancing around that he comes off and cycles... Can't understand the mentallity but I believe it is to get the majority to not follow the blast and cruise style of AAS use as it is a long term commitment.

All IFBB pros in reallity are cruising on what you would consider a wholesome blast or cycle.
Androgen receptors upregulate over time, so no.

The reason you will need higher and higher doses as the years go on is down to the fact that when you keep building muscle, you reach a point where your dose is enough to sustain mass but that's it.
Its similar to dieting, eventually you got to increase cals to keep growing.

This is what I also believe. For example, I cruise on 200mg Test+200mg of Deca. My potential for muscle growth is what that total amount will allow. Shit I could stay on that and not blast and I won't reach the limit for that amount by the end of the year and have considered doing so. Steroids are not like typical drugs that build tolerance due to receptor downregulation and desentisiation, such as say on Opiate or an Amphetamine does.
Do you not think though that Physique competitors would be dabbling in compounds like SARMS and prohormones, which are less detectable and don't have as much stigma attached to them...

The likes of Seid surely can't be on anything too hardcore... I personally think he's been blessed with great genetics and might have dabbled with something lighter than AAS to accentuate what he's been given. His skin is unblemished, he doesn't look gnarly, vascularity isn't anything special.

I totally agree though that the likes of Piana, O'Hearn etc are on year round - and at doses that most of us would class as a blast too!

My buddy competed in the WBFF muscle model category recently, and his coach said to him 12 weeks out, that if he wanted to place, it was time to 'turn the heat up a bit' - meaning add in something other than his supps and diet... it caught him off guard, but it would have been interesting to find out what he had in mind... the coach is world renowned and has guided some top people to pro ranks.

I also fail to see how if someone like Steve Cook was dabbling in AAS, he could keep it a secret... the way the world operates these days, surely someone close to him would blab and sell a story?
everybody who makes any money from the sport or wants to make money from the sport is on as much as they can handle and hide, simple as that

anything else and less is just lies. 100%
Do you not think though that Physique competitors would be dabbling in compounds like SARMS and prohormones, which are less detectable and don't have as much stigma attached to them...

The likes of Seid surely can't be on anything too hardcore... I personally think he's been blessed with great genetics and might have dabbled with something lighter than AAS to accentuate what he's been given. His skin is unblemished, he doesn't look gnarly, vascularity isn't anything special.

I totally agree though that the likes of Piana, O'Hearn etc are on year round - and at doses that most of us would class as a blast too!

My buddy competed in the WBFF muscle model category recently, and his coach said to him 12 weeks out, that if he wanted to place, it was time to 'turn the heat up a bit' - meaning add in something other than his supps and diet... it caught him off guard, but it would have been interesting to find out what he had in mind... the coach is world renowned and has guided some top people to pro ranks.

I also fail to see how if someone like Steve Cook was dabbling in AAS, he could keep it a secret... the way the world operates these days, surely someone close to him would blab and sell a story?

BB world runs on half truths, secrets and sometimes outright lies

Jeff could easily be on a bunch of accutane 24/7, or his genetic gift might be clear skin :)

I really like Steve cook actually, but there's no way he's not on fairly serious doses of serious compounds...the business knows (how) to keep a secret