Are their still decent pro hormones out there?

I havnt taken any of these since they quit making the old ergo pharm 1ad and a few others. I am looking for something close to that that I dont have to worry about having any problems with gyno. I have had some friends try some of the newer prohormones and they all tell me that they are all shit now days.

there are several decent compounds still on the market and we are coming out with a couple more soon.
Hi guys, 1st post here. Been lifting for a few years.

Been researching PH for a while now, looking for a one for people who have never taken it before.

Having read your thread im thinking about Andromass?

Researching pre/during/post cycle treatment. Any advise would be welcome.
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Hi guys, 1st post here. Been lifting for a few years.

Been researching PH for a while now, looking for a one for people who have never taken it before.

Having read your thread im thinking about Andromass?

Researching pre/during/post cycle treatment. Any advise would be welcome.

Beastdrol is a superdrol clone. It was the first ph Ive ever taken and I am very pleased 2 weeks post cycle. I increased my rep weights on bench by 50lbs, decline by 70 lbs, incline by 80lbs, and pec fly by 90lbs. I went up 15 lbs per dumbell in shoulder presses, basically I went up anywhere between 12%-59% in everything and 2 weeks out Im still either lifting that weight or even more. Alot of guys at my gym have cycled it and no bad remarks so far. The guys that dont see results are the lazy asses that eat and rest like shit and go to the gym once a week. I significantly upped my calories and protein and made sure I got at least 7 hours of sleep each night so of course I made amazing gains. I def recommend Beastdrol.
Ok, so after reading this and finding that sd is going to be banned I currently have 3 bottles of havoc, 1 IBE epi and I will be getting a bottle of Helladrol. I am getting helladrol to replace the Cel Hdrol that I took before. Does anyone know if the Helladrol is on the list to be banned as well? And how is their purity/quality? Ive read great reviews on them and plan on taking it as a cut cycle so I'm just curious if I need to stock up on some if the ban will hit them as well. Thanks guys. Sorry to jack a section of the post.
Iron Mags Super DMZ 2.0, Antaeus Labs Trenazone and Nanodrol, any dymethazine phs, Stanodrol, Trestolone Acetate, Epistane, Hdrol.