Are these hgh peptides all bullchit?


New member
i am looking to try some GH treatment. mainly for anti aging and some fat loss, somthing like 4iu a day of hgh.i have researched and pharma quality is too expensive and chinese, while reasonable, im told is only half as potent as domestic hgh so the costs arnt has cheap as you would think and factoring in how its common to get completely ripped off buying from china, that adds more to the cost so its far from affordable and most likley not effective.

so that had me thinking about peptides. i researched cjc-1295 and i got excited, based on the studies, it seems that cjc combined with ghrp-2 or something similar could raise hgh levels to around 4iu in i started looking for people who may have tested this cjc sold by peptide sellers and i found zero gc/ms tests online and even if they were, that doesnt mean that what they are actually selling works, so i began looking for something even more telling, users who got hgh and igf tests done while being on these two peotides.....what i found was 100 percent of the blood work i could find shows that what is being sold does zero to raise hgh.... all tests show baseline results in both hgh and igf-1 and sometimes even lower than baseline. some said it had to do with the times the tests were taken but i think that bullchit, igf is constant and most claimed they did their shots a half hour before being tested and had been on this combo for weeks.

so this begs the question, for someone like myself who is prepared to spend no more than 300 bucks a month on GH therapy, is there even an option for anything legit?

i know this board has a lot of sponsors so im sorry if i offended anyone but if you guys did a better job producing third party testing (we all know its all coming from china regardless what the sellers claim)these questions wouldnt constantly pop up.. i would certainly be willing to trial cjc w/o dac and ghrp-2 and get back to you guys with a lab test but i would like more opnions because based on what i have seen, its all garbage being sold i would just be throwing my money away.

so i ask again, considering i was willing to drop 300 bucks a month in an attempt to equal 4iu gh daily, is there an option where i wont get robbed? not just with peptides but is there an option to get legit hgh? all avenues i have been exploring seem like bullchit...and for certain sellers i have actually heard consistent good reviews about, their peptides are twice the price as everyone else so it actually comes out to as much or more MORE than generic chinese GH and while chinese is weak, at least it works somewhat, like i said, ALL blood work i have seen on this so called cjc ect all came back baseline.
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50 views and im sure many of the views are sponsors and no one has an answer? i mean its a simple concern. the cjc 1295 studies show an increase in overall GH by a 2-10 fold and igf by a 1-3 fold yet any and all users who have experimented with this peptide and have been smart enough to get a cheap 40 dollar blood test have all reported no change from baseline. is this stuff all garbage or is it just so underdosed that its worthless? again, if i were a seller or sponsor i would jump at the chance for a forum member to use their peptides and produce blood work showing that this is a viable and cheaper alternative to HGH yet, no one is responding and i actually think someone like me is their worst nightmare.. they know what they sell is garbage and the last thing they want is someone like me to prove it.

once again i wanna be proven wrong because i wanna use this for anti aging for life if i can get real cjc-1295, i would take blood work every 4 months(its cheap enough) and i would post my results but no one wants to offer enough for a blood test to be done? or offer money back when my blood comes back unchanged? because im certain in will based on the few blood tests done by users.

sales would go through the roof for any company that can prove what they carry can provide a 2-10 fold increase in GH and 1-3 fold increase in igf...that would put peptides on par with strong HGH dose.
They are affective but will not compare to GH. It will give you small GH pulses when you take peps like cjc/ghrp. You have to dose it frequently, like 3-4 times a day. Running higher doses of it will give you better results, like 150mg cjc-1295 and 3-400mcg ghrp would give you a good GH pulse. These peps need to be run for a signifigant amount of time to reap the full benenfits of them, as with hgh.
i'm not a expert at this but as far as the ghrp, ghrh combo i'm using ipam and cjc and after 2 weeks of being on it all i've experienced so far is better sleep and can sleep before 1am... this was a serious problem with me before cause i have serious insomnia.. as far as anti aging and other benefits i have a bad back and knees... both of these problem areas seem to not hurt as bad.. could be a placebo effect but yea usually i dont do squats and rather do leg press cause of the knee pain... but today i decided to do squats and see where i am on that and if theres a difference and i did em without a issue.. before i couldnt do even 135lbs squating on a smith machine cause my knees hurt really bad... today did 135 without issue and proceeded to increase weight to 225... so i do believe it helped.. again i'm not a expert but this has been my experience so far.. also i've been doing 300 mcg ipam and 150 cjc w/out dac.. but quite honestly peps are cheap why not just try it for a month and see what you personally think about it.. also lately i been trying boom dosing at pre bed pin and it's a pretty serious jolt.. thats at a 1mg pin before bed.. but i been ramping it up from 500mcg to 750 to 1000... today is my first 1000mcg pin.. feels pretty good so far... but this is my opinion... i know it's not blood work or proof that it works but honestly why not give it a shot it's not expensive..

also i mite add that this is the first time i ever pinned anything.. so i have no clue what real hgh feels like.. like ya said it's a rare find to find good hgh so i'm going to try something thats readily available to me verse having to all of a sudden run out..
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In my experience the gh tides work well when the supplier is legit. Thay have to be used correctly in combination and timing. 100 mcgs cjc 1295 no dac with 100 mcgs ghrp-6 3 times a day works well but expect al least a couple of months using it before results start to appear. I havent done gh but suspect it is superior. Tb-500 has been nothing short of a miracle for me but its not a gh peptide.
In my experience the gh tides work well when the supplier is legit. Thay have to be used correctly in combination and timing. 100 mcgs cjc 1295 no dac with 100 mcgs ghrp-6 3 times a day works well but expect al least a couple of months using it before results start to appear. I havent done gh but suspect it is superior. Tb-500 has been nothing short of a miracle for me but its not a gh peptide.

yeah I hear alot about it, very promising
yeah I hear alot about it, very promising

Ran it for a month at 5 mg per wk. On a torn rotator cuff. I gained back my range of motion and strength. The pain is gone and its a bit weird but muscles all over feel harder. It has to be followed up with a once monthly maintenance dose to remain effective though.
If u find the right source you can get 100 ius of gh for less than that. Not talking under dosed, generic Chinese bullshit either.