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Harlequin Baby
Those ones with the red eyes, those are real. They are born with a disease that covers their bodies in plates. They suffer agonizingly painful existences until they die. They can live for a few hours, to a few days, to maybe a couple months. They get massive infections from the cracks in the plates where there is no protection. Any movement is agonizing to them.
What is humane to do? Hook it up to a machine to keep it alive, or let nature take it quickly ending its suffering? What do you do?
I am a Christan and in so have bound myself to serving people and easing pain, but having done missionary work I have come to realize...there are times when you have to decide hard things. You may very well have to make a personal choice in your life who lives, and who dies, with no easy way out. You will have to weigh lives and make a choice.
Let me place before you a circumstance.
You have a friend who invites you hiking. He brings you, and 4 other buddies of his who you do not know. So you guys are about 30km into the hike when your close to a ledge that gives way and all six of you fall into a snake pit. Rattle snakes...You and your friend rapidly get yourselves to safety due to being in shape physically and being lucky you were able to scale a tree and get on a ledge.
The other four get out, but not before suffering snake bites.
You have no cell service, your 30km into the woods, and each of these four individuals have venom in them that will be killing them far before you could get back to a road.
Your buddy knew ahead of time this area had snakes so he had a friend get him some anti-venom that he kept on ice packs in a little thermal cooler in the bottom of his pack. Just in case someone got bit.
Well he only has enough anti-venom to save two people, to dilute it any more would make it useless.
So there you are having to make a choice. You must choose who lives and dies.
One man is in his 30's, a doctor in the pediatric field.
One man is 28, just got out of jail. He served time for raping a young girl.
One man is a 45 year old warehouse worker, drives a forklift.
One man is a 40 year old middle school teacher at one of the local schools.
You know nothing of their families, you guys only had asked each other what you did for a living. The individuals rapidly fell into an unconscious state and began entering shock, you time is now extremely short to save anyone.
Which two are you going to give those injections? Or are you going to let them all die?
What you do not realize, is some of these people in life we deem "Cold" are doing the most important part of our civilization. Keeping us from destroying ourselves just to save one person.
Someone, it is 100% necessary, that someone takes the place of a judge, that someone stands there and makes a call of life and death.
Remember in the Bible the people asked God and begged God to give give them Kings to have this power. And remember Judges, what their duties were in the old testament?
We are too soft hearted and weak today, and thats why there are many things on the horizons that threaten to put mankind into far, far, far, far worse conditions that we are in today.
They are already warnings that as the world nears 10 billion people before 2050 that food will become unaffordable even here in America, and wars will constantly rage, economies will collapse, millions will die, millions will become orphans, etc. You have to remember, each 3rd world nation we bring up to our technology, equip, supply, is a possible future enemy if the time comes where we cut aid and a hungry, sick, pissed off people blame us(as will happen).
God appointed people to make these calls. How many did King David put to death? How many did he reward and say were above others, and gave them special places? It would be nice, and I would be happy to see every disease wiped out. To see no suffering, and no death. Only from old age after long lives and they are ready. No violence, no nothing just peace. But reality is, if we are going to function, to live, to survive. People must come to exist who can make the calls necessary. When a general sits there and can only save one regiment, he will try to save the one that will provide the most support to the war. AKA the more valuable one. There is no "REAL" value on human life that is true. But if society is to survive, it must have an assigned value. As for the ghetto being kept down by the government....bullcrap. I know alot of people from the ghetto, I am a boss of a few of em now...They choose to keep themselves down. Because I know people who grow up in the ghetto and say "WTF" and leave and become doctors, soldiers, EMT's, lawyers, managers, teachers. Its all choice. If they don't want it hard enough, they will only exist as they are. I feel no pitty.
Existing on a normal day to day life, these may not make the most sense to you.
But I am the kind of guy who will get a group of people together to discuss deep philosophy, the future, ideals, what is necessary and not necessary, survival of mankind, the state of the human condition, why some things must be, what kind of government do we need, what are the real solutions to current problems. And I can sit there for 10 hours discussing this with groups of people who I dig around and find who dedicate their minds to the formation, maturation, and eventual presentation and application of ideas.
Day to day wise, I agree with you. If someone is hurt I help, if someone cant pay their electric bill I will help, if someone needs food I will buy it. I hate money, I give it freely to people.
I firmly believe, any one in leadership must be able to weigh these mentalities. To be able to make a choice of who and who can not live if it comes down to it.
At work I am moving towards firing two guys that work under me. They do not put forth what I ask, they jack off, one is not competent enough to understand the best, and the other simply misses alot of days, and disobeys directions when I walk away. They both have a girl, they both have a baby at home. It bothers me to do so, but in order for work to function as it needs I need real employees. So I am letting them go, I will wish them the best. But they chose to go technically by not being able to fulfill the roles.