If you began your PCT and recovery , then I would wait it out for awhile and NOT jump back on cycle again real soon. The reason why guys 'blast and cruise' (smart guys, not guys addicted to AAS use) is because it is not as hard on your body. blasting and cruising does not put as much stress on your body (and emotions) as does constantly having to run PCT and recover, , the 'ups' and 'downs'' of being on then being off and doing pct, then being on again and then doing pct etc. over and over again is a stressful thing on the body.
To a certain degree you've just put yourself in an 'on' position by running the var, , now your putting yourself in an 'off' position and then a recovery position; so I'm just saying you should give it some time before your go ahead and go right back in the 'on' position again and have to repeat this process all over again.. its less stressful on the body just to be on all the time then constantly on and off and in a state of recovery*
*Of course if your only running 1-2 cycles a year, then pct is the only way to go and is not as hard on the body cause its not that often.