Arimidex and nolva together for gyno?


New member
Doing some research on this and hearing mixed reviews. I'm on test e 400mg a week and into week 5 right now. Taking .25mg of arimidex every 2 or 3 days depending how I feel and that seems to be going well. Getting a slight bit of gyno from what I can tell in my right nipple though and wanted to try Nolva to block or reverse it if that's possible. Was thinking 40mg for the first week then maybe 20 if that's ok. I've read that you should not take nolva with arimidex though because they counteract eachother. Any helps appreciated!
Thanks for the response. Didn't see any info on taking nolva with arimidex in the article you suggested. Possibly missed it? But this is my concern. Also if it isn't an issue to take them together why wouldn't you just manage your levels with an AI then take something like 10mg of nolva a day during the entire cycle to keep estrogen from creating gyno. Also I will get blood work done. Was waiting till mid cycle so most likely next week.
Take Nolva at 20mg a day. It should stop the Gyno from getting worse. Nolva blocks E2 from giving you SOME of the harmful effects of high E2. Just to be clear... It does nothing to stop E2 from building in your system. Only an AI does that.

You need to get bloods drawn to see where your E2 is. And adjust your AI from there. It sounds like your AI is bunk or your one of the unfortunate ones that aromatise like crazy.

I would not NOT adjust your AI until bloodwork is drawn. If you do you will have no clue about what is going on in our body.
Agree with Mega and SJC, blood work first. Nolva blocks receptors until you get your E2 straightened out and adjust your AI accordingly.
Doing some research on this and hearing mixed reviews. I'm on test e 400mg a week and into week 5 right now. Taking .25mg of arimidex every 2 or 3 days depending how I feel and that seems to be going well. Getting a slight bit of gyno from what I can tell in my right nipple though and wanted to try Nolva to block or reverse it if that's possible. Was thinking 40mg for the first week then maybe 20 if that's ok. I've read that you should not take nolva with arimidex though because they counteract eachother. Any helps appreciated!
" Taking .25mg of arimidex every 2 or 3 days depending how I feel and that seems to be going well. "
clearly it is not. you should be taking 0.25-0.5mg EOD. i rec sticking to 0.25mg-0.5mg eod and see. not every 2 or 3 days or (depending how you feel) and up it to 0.5mg if gyno is still developing. you can take low dose nolva for a week ro two to let proper AI dosing take on good effect.

i woul also rec some blood work to see estro levels tbh.
Tamox/nolva does NOT fix the issue of high estrogen and you are on cycle.