Arnold Schwarzenegger's 1975 Training For Mr. Olympia

the first image you see usually when you log on to ology is the comparison picture of Arnold and Coleman. Arnold looks way better in my opinion, by a long shot. It's like comparing cattle vs a bodybuilder. Arnolds compact joint and narrow waste in conjunction with his massive shoulders and chest makes him look bigger than Coleman in ratio IMO. Lastly, look at the definition or Arnold's legs compared to Colemans. Sure Coleman has massive legs, but Arnold was chiseled. I firmly believe if Arnold were using todays drugs, he'd be the most impressive still.

By the way, Arnold was successful because of his strong willpower in addition to genetics. Some guys that tried to keep up with him during his workout sessions often lost their lunch.


i have arnolds encylopedia of modern body building and it gives examples of begginner and advanced workouts. In the work outs he hits every muscle group three times a week very hard i dont see how this does not fall into overtraining. He clearly new what he was doing and it worked but all any one talks about today is how less is more.

Here is an example of the begginner one or what he calls level 1 which looks like a lot. He says every set it to failure too.
Also says to do 5 sets 8 - 12 reps unless otherwise specfiied
Mon thursday - chest and back bench press
incline press

chin ups
bent over rows
and deadlifst 3 sets of 10 6 4 reps to failure

tuesday friday - shoulders arms and forarms and abs

bbell clean an press
dbell lat raises
heavy up right rows 3 sets 10 6 4
push presses 3 sets 6 4 2

barbel curls
seated dbell curls
narrow grip bench
standing tri extensions wih barbell

wrist curls
reverse wrist curls
incline situps

wendnesday and sat
leg curls
calf raises
straight leg deadlifts 10 6 4
good mornings 10 8 6

haha seems like a lot kind of want to try it but not sure looking to change up my workout
thats almost like my workout but i do a overload stage, light to heavy...

mon upper body
tue lower body
thur upper body
fri lower body

wed/sat cardio and abs
Here you go.

Primabolan D-Bol
Week 1 600mg / week 60mg / day
Week 2 600mg / week 60mg / day
Week 3 600mg / week 60mg / day
Week 4 600mg / week 60mg / day
Week 5 600mg / week 60mg / day
Week 6 800mg / week 80mg / day
Week 7 800mg / week 80mg / day
Week 8 800mg / week 80mg / day
Week 9 800mg / week 80mg / day
Week 10 800mg / week 80mg / day
Week 11 1000mg / week 100mg / day
Week 12 1000mg / week 100mg / day
Week 13 1000mg / week 100mg / day
Week 14 1000mg / week 100mg / day
Week 15 800mg / week 80mg / day
Week 16 800mg / week 80mg / day
Week 17 800mg / week 80mg / day
Week 18 600mg / week 60mg / day
Week 19 600mg / week 60mg / day
Week 20 600mg / week 60mg / day
Week 21 30mg / day 200mg / week
Week 22 30mg / day 200mg / week
Week 23 30mg / day 200mg / week
Week 24 30mg / day 200mg / week
Week 25 30mg / day 200mg / week
Week 26 30mg / day 200mg / week
No off time, No PCT, No anti Estrogens!
I have been reading the book,
Arnold An Unauthorized Biography,
and it details his use of steroids at a young age. The book tells about the dark side of Arnold.
Good reading.
Arnold is king. He has such a small waist it's insane. No BB will ever look as good as the terminator.
his peak was at 1974 mr. olympia. came in monstrous. 75 was pretty much him slimmed down due to the movie he was in, 'stay hungry'. he had to loose a bunch of muscle weight for it. but whatever cycle he was on, i'd say he is pretty much genetically gifted. it's crazy.

a lot of his off season pics were him all small and not bloated like modern bb. it's insane