Aromasin, Arimidex,and Femera... protect the prostate?


New member
I'm just wondering if these aromatase inhibitors actually help protect the prostate by decreasing estradiol production? If you were on a test cycle would you only need aromatase to protect your prostate or would you also have to take Proscar to protect against the DHT part of it?
I will bump this because I have been wondering about the same thing. Of course, the traditional wisdom is that DHT, not estrogen, is the prostate's enemy, and that you need finasteride to block DHT sythesis. But I have read several studies which concluded that the main cause of prostate problems is an increased estrogen/testosterone ratio rather than high DHT levels.
I would normally not reply to this, only i have had symptoms, (i think) at one time when i was doing a massive amount of deca. I got a nut in my girl and it felt like it was knotting up in my prostate region. that's kinda embarrassing, but it may help somebody else so i will say it anyway. I was doing over 1200 mgs of deca at the time. .... word to the wise. Thank god im ok now. peace out bros.
i'm asking because im only 22 and my prostate seems to be enlarging whenever I take test. if it gets any bigger I'm going to the doctor to get checked out. I'm even thinking about taking aromatase inhibitors or DHT blockers (depending on what info I get here) for a short duration even while I'm off of a cycle to possibly shrink it back to normal.
Sure aromatase inhibitors will help with prostate this is the simply explain:Testosterone is first converted into estrogens then in DHT,so the less estrogen you have the less DHT.Basically this two conversions are collegated.Bcloking estrogens you're able to considerably reduce(I do'nt think it can be blocked completely)DHT levels.BTW you can also add saw palmetto.
The reason for use of aromatase inhibitors in the treatment of BPH has nothing to do with their effect on DHT, both estrogens and androgens have been shown to induce BPH.

Testosterone converts directly into DHT via 5alpha-reductase.

Aromatase inhibitors (when used off cycle) would actually increase your DHT, since they increase LH/Test.
That's the main reason why aromatase inhibitors like atamestane have little effect on BPH, since they also increase androgens which promote prostatic growth.

Use an aromatase inhibitor +1- 5 mg of Finasteride ED.

Some herbal meds like saw palmetto & nettles are also effective.

Endocrine treatment of benign prostatic hypertrophy: current concepts.

Matzkin H, Braf Z.

...Recently, the role of estrogens has been emphasized with the finding that stromal hyperplasia is the main change occurring in BPH. Lately, research has been initiated to examine the clinical effect aromatase inhibitors would have in the treatment of human BPH. Since there is enough evidence that both the epithelial and stromal components of the human prostate undergo hyperplasia in BPH, and individuals vary with respect to their relative epithelial/stromal components, both structures would have to be reduced for therapy to be successful. Therefore, the combination of an antiandrogenic and antiestrogenic effect is theoretically promising...


J Urol (Paris) 1995;101(1):22-5 Related Articles, Links

Endocrine therapy for benign prostatic hyperplasia in the 90's.

Ekman P.

Department of Urology, Karolinska Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden.

Endocrine therapy by means of castration for benign prostatic hyperplasia was introduced already in the middle of the 19th century. The technique was never popularized and was abandoned following the introduction of safe surgical techniques. In the second half of this century, small series of various endocrine treatments have been reported, mainly using progestational agents. The hormone dependency of the prostate is unique, since testosterone itself is not very active on the prostate cells but has to be converted to 5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone, which is almost ten times as effective an androgen in the prostate cell. By blocking this conversion, highly specific antiandrogenic effect will be obtained in the prostate but not in other organs of the body. The first 5 alpha-reductase inhibitor, finasteride, has proven effective in reducing prostate DHT. In large clinical trials, it has shown to reduce prostate size, improve urinary flow and reduce symptom score, statistically significantly better than placebo. The effect is sustained over at least 3 years. In a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study over 2 years, patients were similarly improved in the finasteride group, whereas they deteriorated in the placebo group. This indicates that finasteride is able to halt the progression of the natural course of benign prostatic hyperplasia. Benign prostatic hyperplasia, generally believed to be a stromal disease, is potentially dependent on estrogens for its development. By blocking aromatization of testosterone to estrogen in the prostate cells, a hypothetical beneficial effect on the disease process should be gained...


Estrogen reduction by aromatase inhibition for benign prostatic hyperplasia: results of a double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized clinical trial using two doses of the aromatase-inhibitor atamestane. Atamestane Study Group.

Radlmaier A, Eickenberg HU, Fletcher MS, Fourcade RO, Reis Santos JM, van Aubel OG, Bono AV.

Department of Clinical Development Oncology, Schering AG, Berlin, Germany.

BACKGROUND: The concept of estrogen withdrawal by an aromatase inhibitor in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) was assessed in a prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled multicenter trial. METHODS: Two hundred and ninety-two patients with clinical symptoms of BPH were randomly allocated to one of the following treatments for 48 weeks: placebo or the selective aromatase inhibitor, atamestane, at a daily dose of 100 mg or 300 mg. Both doses of atamestane significantly reduced serum concentrations of estradiol and estrone, and produced a slight, dose-dependent, counter-regulatory increase in peripheral androgen concentration. RESULTS: Clinical symptoms improved during treatment in all three groups. Even after 48 weeks, the effect of active treatment did not exceed the effect seen with placebo. Overall tolerance of 100 mg atamestane was excellent, but 300 mg showed a slightly increased incidence of side effects compared with placebo. CONCLUSIONS: The conclusion from this study is that the reduction in estrogen concentration using the selective aromatase inhibitor atamestane has no effect on clinically established BPH.
Saw palmetto + nettle root vs. finasteride in treatment of BPH

BJU Int 2000 Sep;86(4):439-42 Related Articles, Links

Combined sabal and urtica extract compared with finasteride in men with benign prostatic hyperplasia: analysis of prostate volume and therapeutic outcome.

Sokeland J.

Urological Clinic of Dortmund, Training Hospital of the University of Munster, Germany.

OBJECTIVE: To test the hypothesis that in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), the outcome of drug therapy with finasteride may be predictable from the baseline prostate volume and that positive clinical effects might be expected only in patients with prostate volumes of > 40 mL, using a subgroup analysis of results from a previously reported clinical trial of finasteride and phytotherapy. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A subgroup of 431 patients was analysed from a randomized, multicentre, double-blind clinical trial involving 543 patients with the early stages of BPH. Patients received a fixed combination of extracts of saw palmetto fruit (Serenoa repens) and nettle root (Urtica dioica) (PRO 160/120) or the synthetic 5alpha-reductase inhibitor finasteride. The patients assessed had valid ultrasonographic measurements and baseline prostate volumes of either </= 40 mL or > 40 mL. All 516 patients were included in the safety analysis. The results of the original trial showed equivalent efficacy for both treatments. RESULTS: The mean (SD) maximum urinary flow (the main outcome variable) increased (from baseline values) after 24 weeks by 1.9 (5.6) mL/s with PRO 160/120 and by 2.4 (6.3) mL/s with finasteride. There were no statistically significant group differences (P = 0.52). The subgroups with small prostates (</= 40 mL) showed similar improvements, with mean values of 1.8 (5.2) mL/s with PRO 160/120 and 2.7 (7.4) mL/s with finasteride. The mean values for the subgroups with prostates of > 40 mL were similar, at 2.3 (6.1) and 2. 2 (5.3) mL/s, respectively. There were improvements in the International Prostate Symptom Score in both treatment groups, with no statistically significant differences. The subgroup analysis showed slightly better results for voiding symptoms in the patients with prostates of > 40 mL, but there were also improvements in the subgroup with smaller prostates. The safety analysis showed that more patients in the finasteride group reported adverse events and also there were more adverse events in this group than in patients treated with PRO 160/120. CONCLUSION: The present analysis showed that the efficacy of both PRO 160/120 and finasteride was equivalent and unrelated to prostate volume. However, PRO 160/120 had better tolerability than finasteride
You should quit AS & treat yourself until the symptoms dissappear.
I don't know how effective (if at all) would Finasteride & those other drugs be in presence of supraphysiological androgen levels.

Try Finasteride + Saw Palmetto + alpha 1-receptor blocker (Flomax,Hytrin) for faster results.
everyone thank you and hhajdo thank you very much for all of the info. Now that I know to look in urological journals I will continue to look up more info.
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quick question...if i were to use test would test prop be worse than test Enathate or Cyp because of the short half-life?
Not to bring up the dead but was hoping someone that knows some medical shit could shine some light on this for me.

I take cyp for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) at 200mg's every 10-14 days. My prostate is kinda swelled from bad habits and maybe some test along the way.

So this is saying that maybe a little dose of aromasin or arimidex would help? Wouldn't that just be a double edge sword though, meaning maybe there's a side associated with arimidex.
An Aromatase inhibitor (AI) will help...

You shouldnt get any sides on adex or aromasin at a low to moderate dose.

Get some saw palemtto also.
I use finasteride which is great since it also slows hair loss. Not sure how it effects cycle's though heard many different opinions